Diary of a Teenaged Hermaphrodite or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Cock

Story by InfiniteWrites

Hi guys,

I decided to extend one of my picture captions into a starting narrative for what I'm going to tentatively call the Futanari World.

The story follows Vicki, a schoolgirl cursed into transforming into one of the inter- and over-sexed boygirls, and dealing with the changes to her life.

I'm also going to use it as an opportunity to establish some "ground rules" for the universe, some general models for how this sort of stuff happens and why. However, as with most things, very few things about futanari are entirely predictable or quantifiable, and if twisting one of those rules makes a fun, interesting and above all sexy story, that sounds like a good deal to me.

Without further ado,

It all started for Victoria on a Saturday night. She’d been feeling out of sorts all day, nothing in particular, just a general malaise and ravenous hunger.

The normally vivacious senior had spent all day lying about the house, moping, sighing and eating far more than was probably good for her. She could feel a sense of expectation, like she was waiting for something, but what, she had no idea.

She finally decided on an early night, but despite her lethargy, she found it difficult to get to sleep. Aches and twinges cropped up all over her slim body, and she was slightly sick in the pit of her stomach.

Her eyes snapped open as she awoke from the fitful sleep into which she’d finally fallen. She felt like her guts were twisting themselves apart and the sheets were slick with sweat.

God, no wonder I’ve been feeling off all day; I’m running a fever.

She flipped over slowly, groaning, and stumbled to her feet, grabbing her glasses from the nightstand. Her loose, filmy nightshirt clung to her slim body as she slowly dragged herself through the moonlit room, squinting as she flipped on the light in her ensuite bathroom.

I look terrible. Her face was flushed and red, deep dark circles under her eyes attesting to her broken sleep and fatigue. Her short brown hair stuck to her face in stringy, wet strands, until she filled shaking hands with cool water from the tap and washed down her face, pulling her fingers down and staring at herself through the mirror through heavily-lidded eyes.

Ignoring the protestations from her aching muscles, she made her way downstairs to get some ibuprofen from the kitchen cupboard, hoping it would calm her fever enough for her to sleep.

The ache in her stomach had grown even worse, and when she stepped through the doorway into the kitchen her body was suddenly gripped in an agonising sensation, her whole body freezing up as the pain amplified and spread, her whole pelvic area starting to ache.

She took deep, rattling breaths, throwing out a slick hand to steady herself as she started to shake. The pain was starting to fade, but in its place was a growing heat, deep in her belly and her virgin pussy.

Her breaths became deeper as the sensation flooded he