Donkey Dick

Story by harveylogan

Emma Watson moved quickly through the London high street, trying to avoid the scum with the camera.

She entered the department store and was confronted by a familiar face “Emma” said Keira,“Keira, hi” replied Emma, “is everything alright?” she asked,

“Just trying to avoid him” Emma replied, pointing out the door, “Twat” said Keira “I hate them”

The two were not friends in the popular sense of the word; they don’t hang out together but had met on several occasions and seemed to get on quite well.

“Fancy a coffee” Keira asked, “would love one” Emma replied.

Keira took Emma’s arm and they went up the stairs to the store cafeteria.

“Two regular” she asked the waitress, “okay for you?” she asked Emma “fine yes” she replied

They sat at a table and began chatting about recent projects and upcoming stuff.

“I’m free for a while; I’m going to New York later for a week or so, just to relax. A friend invited me join her, when I say friend it’s a bit like us you know, anyhow it’s Natalie Portman and we worked together briefly and got on so well, and we said we would get together when we had some free time and well a few years later, we are both free and she has an apartment in New York and so I’m going to stay with her.” Explained Keira

“Wish I was going” said Emma

“You should come with me, you don’t get hassled so much there” replied Keira

They both laughed “wish it was that easy” said Emma

“You don’t have any commitments, and I’m sure Natalie wouldn’t mind” explained Keira,

Emma thought for a moment “are you sure she wouldn’t mind It’s a bit spur of the moment” replied Emma

“What’s the time?” asked Keira, before looking at her own watch. “Twenty past three, that’s Twenty past ten a.m. in New York,she will be up now” explained Keira “I’ll give her a call”

Keira took her Blackberry from her bag and searched through the phone book before clicking the call button as she reached Natalie’s name. “It’s ringing” she said to Emma.“Hi Nat its Keira, I didn’t wake you?” “Hi Keira, no I was up, hope you’re still coming” replied Natalie. “of course, I just bumped into a friend while I was out getting a few small things and asked her if she wanted to come as she has no commitments at the moment and she would love to meet you, you know EmmaWatson don’t you?” explained Keira. “Yeah, Hermione Grainger, would love to meet her, we’ll have loads of fun” said Natalie.

“Okay I’ll see if I can get her a seat on the plane, shouldn’t be a problem with th