Suddenly Puberty! (Size, Excessive Cum, Futa Solo, Ageplay)

Story by Vicious3745

Hey guys, this is my first attempt at any kind of futa related story. I thought i'd give it a try after realizing that none of my rp friends wanted to Rp one night!

The main character is 15, already well endowed, however is about to experience some wonderful changes, if i do say so myself. If you guys enjoy it, i may continue, i may not, im not to sure how well my schedule goes, but you can ensure that she will grow the older she becomes. Please, tell me what ya think, and now, onto he story:

This was it. This was the day before the first day of 10th grade. I was finally out of the way with being a freshmen and looking forward to a new year with my friends. I could finally be treated with the respect of a sophomore, not being treated like a newbie greenhorn or shuffled away into tiny clicks and groups. It was an exciting feeling.

I began to gather my clothes for the following day. Excited, I'd give myself a once over in the mirror. I’d trail my fingers through my curly, dark brown hair, let my emerald eyes dart across my rather pale, spanish skin. It was always interesting to me to discover how puberty was dealing with my particularly unique body. I had always been a particularly curvy young girl, but now that i was in the real throws of prepubescence, my hips and bust would really flare. I was turning sixteen in just a few days, and already I'd experienced the hunt for double d cup bras. Shopping for adult panties when i wasn’t even taller than five feet, and yet still possessing my rather lithe waist. I was already getting all kinds of looks from boys, yet even more attention grabbing perhaps were the larger pairs of pants i usually had to wear below. I may just be fifteen, and just beginning to experience the real throws of what some perhaps would call a second puberty, but i had a bit more equipment than most girls.. Hell, i had quite a bit more equipment than most men! I’d stare a bit fondly at it, though worried how i could conceal it this year, for I knew it would merely grow larger, underwear was always becoming somewhat more difficult. I’d reach lower to attempt to wrap my petite fingers about it’s girth, admiring this massive cock’s shape and pulsing form. It throbbed, practically lurched forward, thicker than a soda can, it’d hang beyond my knees. It’s flaccid length would outdo that of a ruler by at least another hand’s length, but i hadn’t built the courage to truly measure it, and yet still i knew that my body was just getting into the swing of things.

I shook off the intense feelings of my hand on my own, heavy organ, and shuffle through my dresser to pick out my cutest tops and bottoms, throwing the feminine clothes across the bed. I’d admire some older stuff i bought just a few months back, a few tube tops and t’s, though thanks to my ripe, expansive bosom they’d now just show my naval. Though i think i’m o