Wishes are something serious.

Story by Phack

First: sorry for my bad english.

First and half: it´s my first story.

Second: if you want to correct it, you are welcome.

Third: if you want draw a comic about it, you are welcome.


It was a sunny day. Our couple back to home after work. But... wait, maybe I should introduce you to our main characters.

In one side, we have Carol. She is a smart girl that work in a dental clinic as assitant. Have usual hobbies like read,

videogames, tv shows, collecting magnets, etc. From childhood she was always very dreamer. Her mind was always in all

kinds of fantasies and dreaming of being different in some way. She began to grow, went to college, found work, got a

boyfriend and life slowly was taken away her illusions, fantasies and wild mind. Sometimes life drags you to a boring sameness...

In other side, we have Peter. Her boyfriend. Athletic boy and about 6'2'' (190 cm) tall. He likes all kind sports.

Work in a technical office designing plans about buildings and other construtions. He is an architect and have been

dating with Carol for five years. They are living together since last winter.

And now, return with the story. A sunny day of autumn Carol returns to home after work. It have been a quiet day. Peter is not

in the house so our girl take a good shower, she dressed in her summer pijama and start cooking the dinner. The main door opens

and Peter goes into the kitchen to greet her and give a kiss.

Carol- Hi honey (kiss).

Peter- Oooh dear (kiss) today was a terrible day. (sitting in a chair) We have to finish the project about the park. What a

shit of park. It has been giving problems since we started it.

Carol- Relax. Go to the shower, don´t think about it and while i finish the dinner.

Peter- Yes... I need that. I am very tired. How was your day?

Carol- (smiling) More quiet than your.

It was dark when they finished dinner. Watching the TV in the sofa, Carol begins to kiss Peter but he is so tired that try to

keep calm, thinking maybe she notice it and stop playing. But she doesn´t and passes her hand over his package. The boy is proud

and not want to be who reject a good fuck.

Several minutes later they are on the bed hugging and thinking why the sex has not work this time. Peter was not able to get hard

enough. Then he stands up and goes to the bathroom to clean up. Carol still on bed think about the reasons why the night

didn´t work. Could be `cause her body. She is short, about 5'1'' (155 cm) and is not very curvy, only 36A bra size and not much ass.

Maybe that was the problem.

Both of them are thinking on it when a shooting star cross the sky. Carol layed down on the bed watch it through the window and

make a wish: i wish to be bigger. At the same time Peter is on the bathroom looking by the window and thinking it was a hard day

and feel very tired, it usually happens.

Peter- (shooting star crossing the sky) If she had penis, she understand...