AskRay Sailor Futa: FP story edition (high school, futa)

Story by wind14

First time author, inspired by that new ask ray sailor futa doujin. Growth, Hyper, Excessive Cum, Masturbation.

Minori sighed as she pulled another condom swollen with cum off her diminutive but lively penis. She wanted to be presentable once she arrived at this school district's special Futanari high school. After begging her parents to send her to a normal high school, they firmly refuted her by lecturing her on the numerous "accidents" her 5 inch troublemaker had instigated in middle school. Her cries and promises of responsibly taking care of what seemed to her and her parents an excessively huge amount of cum every day fell on deaf ears, and they enrolled her in a new type of school the education system was rolling out this year to accommodate the growing number of futas in this generation.

Minori pulled her panties up while looking in the mirror at her petite physique, completely disguising her almost imperceptably small flaccid dick-clit but doing a less good job of hiding her golf ball sized balls hanging below. Minori had known one other futa in middle school, but that girl had been lucky enough to not have external balls; she could pass herself off as a normal girl much more easily than Minori.

"Well, I'd better get going." She said to herself, hoping that the other futas at the school wouldn't make fun of her for her huge balls and underdeveloped feminine attributes. She knew girls were mean in high school, and she hoped against hope that futas in high school would somehow be nicer.

30 minutes later...

Minori was a little late and didn't see any students in the halls as she ran to her classroom. She opened the sliding door as was greeted with by a roomful of stares. Minori gulped in distress but the Teacher, who had been writing students' names on the blackboard underneath the heading of "Classification" looked over and silently motioned her to the only empty seat on the right side of the room.

"For the benefit of those of us that arrived late, I'm Mrs. Katsuragi and we're just about to double check penis classifications. Your...dimensions were a mandatory part of the application but seeing as parents do love telling lies about their children, we'd like to measure you all ourselves. Today will be the size measurement here in the classroom and tomorrow will be the semen volume measurement, to take place in the medical office. I'd like to begin in order of size. Any questions?"

An awkward silence greeted her as most of the young futas nervously looked down and paid little attention to the other members of the class.

"Great. Now starting at the right side of the room facing the front, with A class futas."

A class? Minori thought to herself. Does that mean we're special? That we're the biggest? Oh god, I hope I don't get picked on for being in the top class or something...

Mrs. Katsuragi called up the first girl in the right hand column, a lively looking girl who strode to the front o