Zippy Zipperdale--The Eleventh Experiment (non-futa, non porn)

Story by Hardcover

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By Hardcover

For most of the students at Madam Petri’s School For The Gifted And Eccentric, the most familiar part of Mr. DeSade’s Genetic Manipulation class was the large half circle main classroom with it old fashioned step ladder seating. However behind the door at the back of the stage area lay the teacher’s private lab and it was here that Zippy, Rina and Charity were at the moment, under the supervision of the teacher himself. In contrast to the high ceilinged teaching area, the lab was a simple rectangular construction, although done up with DeSade’s penchant for old fashioned, almost antique décor. Cutting edge equipment shared space with wooden varnished cabinets and hand crafted tables, giving the lab a feel as if the Victorian era had collided head on with the space age.

On the large examination table in the far rear of the room, Charity sat, completely naked while the teacher ran about pulling up the results of the endless tests he had run on her. She sat on the table with her double jointed legs stretched out in front of her, supporting herself on her three fingers hands, her tail swishing behind her. Her large pupil-less eyes watched with guarded hopefulness as the Mr. DeSade went about his tasks. She felt nervous in this room, with all its reflective surfaces in which she caught glimpses of her weird freakish new form. It was made worse by the fact that she wasn’t wearing any clothes.

She was grateful she didn’t have to go through this alone, as Zippy and Rina had agreed to accompany her. Still, it felt very strange to have her one time rivals taking such concern for her. Rina, when she was Rina, had been almost non stop in her attempts to console her and lift her spirits. Though, as always, Rick had been her most solid bit of support. How quickly her old life had been ripped out from under her. At least now she was no where near as depressed as she had been. Those days after her transformation and attempted suicide had been horrible, her waking life an unending torrent of fear and depression, her dreams while asleep even worse, leaving her with little or no escape from a painful, debilitating hell.

Little by little, she had begun to feel better. With help from Rick, the psyche Werx, and Zippy’s bunch, she had begun to feel less despairing. Not great, but better. And ‘better’ was a vast improvement of where she had been.

After carefully looking over the results, Mr. DeSade came back over to her. She looked up at h