Pink Haze

Story by Feraldeath

Well, this story was going to be for the first story contest. But I ran over the word limit. So I'm just going to put it here :D

Pink Haze

Story by Feraldeath

"Let me in peasant girl," said the girl with a Russian accent on the other side of the door. Stacy could barely

contain her smile as she let Mina in.

Mina was quite a find. She was a Russian exchange student with a mean-streak who had it out for her. Back in Russia

she was a daughter to some high government official with ties to the President and poor little Stacy was just someone who

needed to be ruled to her.

It was easy enough to lure the mean girl into the greenhouse. Stacy had praised her snow white skin and told her that

a rare orchid she cared for would be the perfect compliment to her complexion. With the bait laid all Stacy had to do was

make sure that all the vents were closed prior to her arrival and let the greenhouse gather the new "perfume" she had been

working on. This gas dulled ones senses. It had worked perfectly, as soon as Mina entered the greenhouse, the gas overwhelmed

her and she began to stumble around. Stacy smiled as she watched the mean Russian "princess" fall to the floor.

She looked over her prize now as she slowly disrobed her. She was shorter than Stacy, but at least five feet in

height. Her red hair rolled in curls over her brow and came to a halt hanging just at the nape of her neck. She wore lipstick

that matched her hair and had hazel eyes that were now glossed over. She reminded Stacy of the porcelain dolls she used to


Stacy continued her task and her hand brushed against Mina's breasts that hung snugly against her body. Her body's

warmth was very desirable to her at that moment. Perhaps she wasn't as immune to the greenhouse gas as she thought. She

breathed deeply and shook free her temptations over the Russian's C cups. Without her uniform Stacy noticed that Mina also

possessed a nicely toned belly that reflected a dedicated workout ethic. She also noticed er bare nether lips glistened in

the heat lamps. Another side effect to the gas she had noted from several earlier accidental exposures.

Finally, Stacy had fully disrobed Mina and began to pour her herbal mixture across her milk white skin. It took on a

light pink glow as its seeped into her pores. She watched and took notes as the liquid went to work. She knew the blend of

the gas and the ooze would increase her sexual desires, but its main goal was to dominate the mind. All she had to do was

literally fuck her silly enough to break her mind, then some simple programming would be all that as needed. Previous

experiments pointed that these two mixtures would result in the edge needed to accomplish her goals.

Mina started to moan softly and Stacy could feel her body heat rising. Mina's nipples hardened and Stacy swore that

her chest