Sister Daddy

Story by WotanAnubis

This isn't a new fic of mine, I know, but it's one of my personal favourites in all its fucked-up glory, so I decided to share it.

TITLE: Sister Daddy

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters and am not making a profit.


PAIRING: Therese/Jeanette

NOTE: For the Vampire: The Masquerade purists out there, I'd like to say that I've only played the Bloodlines PC game, so it's more than possible I missed some vital detail. Then again, considering the nature of this fic...

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Therese Voerman touched the warm bathwater with her hand and suppressed the small smile playing around her lips. Undeath had few pleasures, but bathing was still one of them, so Therese usually found some time at the end of a busy night to indulge herself in the windowless bathroom.

Pleased that the water had the right temperature, Therese removed her hand and slipped into the bath, breathing just enough to let out a satisfied sigh.

"Well, don't you look happy. Someone decided to name you Empress of the World or something?"

Therese looked up to see Jeanette smiling at her from behind the mirror.

"I am trying to have a relaxing bath here. So would you kindly go away?"

"Aw, but I'm enjoying the view here," Jeanette said.

"Jeanette, please," Therese sighed.

"Fine, fine," said Jeanette, rolling her eyes. Then she smiled in a way that suggested heavily corrupted innocence. Which, in Therese's opinion, was the only kind of smile she had. "I'll need some help getting out, though," she said, sticking her arm out the mirror. "Mind giving me a pull."

Therese shook her head, got out of her nice bath, ignored Jeanette's delighted purr of 'oh, nice', took her sister's hand and pulled her out of the mirror.

"Thanks," said Jeanette as she set foot on the bathroom floor. "It was pretty cramped in there."

Therese let go of Jeanette's hand and stepped back, a disgusted look on her face.

"What?" said Jeanette.

"You're naked," Therese spat.

"Yeah? So are you."

"I was about to have a bath before you decided to barge in."

"Well, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by being overdressed."

"You? Overdressed?" Therese scoffed. "Jeanette, you have only one real look and that is that of a faux-Catholic schoolgirl who has just walked off the set of a sadomasochistic pornography film."

Jeanette giggled. "Aw, I didn't know you knew such big, dirty words. Whatever would father say?"

"He'd say the exact same thing," Therese said.

"Yeah," said Jeanette, "Only he'd approve of my look."

"Believe what you will," Therese said. "Now please leave."

"Aw, but I'm here now," Jeanette said. She walked closer to her sister until their breasts touched each other and then took one more step. Grinning, she put her arms around Therese's shoulders. "So how about making your dirty sister all clean again in that nice bath of yours?"

Therese looked the other way and tried to pretend that she felt nothing but disgust at Jeanette's insinuations. "I sh