Breeding Season in Equestria

Story by Corset Lebella

Synopsis: It's breeding season in Equestria, and Twilight Sparkle has the magic to make it happen. Written as a very special favor for a very special know who you are!

Author's Note: This was written as a very special favor to a very special friend. You know who you are, and I love you. Also I'm going to Hell.

If you haven't seen My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic it won't make much sense to you. Also you should. And then never, ever write porn about it.

hi this was not made by me but i do have the authors permission to repost it her name is Arjha over at darknest fantasy forums

Breeding Season in Equestria

Nervous snorting and the sound of hooves stomping filled the dim room. Applejack's voice rose above it all, loud and insistent despite a tremor in her voice:

"But ain't we all too young for this still? An' why's it gotta be Twilight choosin'?!"

Princess Celestia's voice flowed like honey in the still air. "I'm sorry, Applejack," she told the fiery pony, "but only Twilight knows the magic to make each transformation work. She knows you all, and she'll choose the very best roles for each of you." The monarch of Equestria drew herself up magnificently. "You have a very important duty, ponies!" she told them. "We can't go any longer without breeding new ponies. Twilight Sparkle knows what to do. Put your trust in her!"

The winged unicorn swept out, leaving six nervous ponies looking at one another. They'd all known it would come to this eventually, soon?

Reluctantly, Twilight Sparkle led the way to a low table. Six long, needle-like crystals lay on it, each glistening with its own soft light. "All right, everypony," she said. "Waiting's not going to make this any easier!"

"But Twilight, darling, do you really know what's best for each of us?" Rarity stared at the crystals wide-eyed. "If the spell goes wrong we could all be turned into some hideous, ugly monster!" Her tail lashed its agitation, the curls bouncing and shivering.

"It won't go wrong." Twilight Sparkle bent her head. Her expression was determined as her horn lifted one crystal into the air, sparkling as it spun. "Applejack!"

The down-home pony shuffled forward, looking like she wanted to be just about anywhere else -- even pickin