A Collection of Hot Futanari Anime/Cartoon Fanfiction

Story by LABAD

Disclaimer: I in no way own ANY of the anime/cartoon that are in this collection

Well here's the first of the many futanari fanfiction that I am planning to write, if you read the thread called HELP you should have an idea of what pairings and anime I will be writing about, also I still am taking any request if you have them

Under the skirt of a Waterflower

“Are we there yet?” 14-year-old Ash Ketchum groaned as he trailed behind two people. “I'm starving, Pikachu and I can't go too long without food.”

“Pikaaaa,” the creature on Ash's shoulder referred to as Pikachu sighed.

“Calm down Ash,” Ash's tanned friend 20-year-old Brock Slate said. “Here, want half of my sandwich?”

“Ugh fine,” Ash said taking the half. “But this'll only hold me for another 20 minutes.”

“Geez you're acting like some spoiled fat kid,” the only female of the group 15-year-old Misty Waterflower said.

Ash just stuck his tongue out at his best friend and began nibbling on the sandwich Brock handed him. “It's getting late,” Brock sighed. “It'll be another two hours or so before we reach the city, guess we can camp here tonight.”

“Great, Brock get started on dinner.” Ash said plopping on the ground.

“Yeah sure,” Brock told him. “But there's a problem with your demand, I don't have any ingredients to make anything.”

“Whaaat?” Ash said. “No dinner?”

“Sorry buddy,” Brock apologized. “I'll set up camp, you two can go get firewood.”

“Sure thing,” Misty said turning to Ash. “Don't think you're just gonna lay there and do nothing.”

“So hungry,” Ash groaned.

“Pikachuuuu,” the Pokemon added.

“Hmph you're pathetic, screw it I'll just go alone.” Misty said. “Seeing as Ash is too weak to carry any firewood back, not with those string bean arms.”

“What?” Ash immediately sat up. “Are you saying I'm weak?”

“Yeah, that was the exact word I used genius,” Misty said. “But it's okay, I'm not gonna judge you just because you're a weakling. Though I might be inclined to dress you up in a pink gown and some makeup so we can go out dancing.”

“Yeah right!” Ash growled standing in front of her. “I'll bet I can carry twice...no three times more than you can! Which is a lot seeing as you have those huge muscular arms.”

Misty's face flushed in anger. “W-What do you mean by that?!”

“Guys please, not tonight.” Brock groaned. “Look I'll-”

“Stay out of this!!!” the two teens yelled making the adult shrink back in fear.

“Okay only one way to settle this,” Misty grinned.

“3 on 3 Pokemon battle?” Ash asked earning a smack to the head from his female companion.

“No dumbass,” she growled. “We'll have a little challenge, Brock can be the timer. Whoever brings back more firewood in five minutes wins,