The Girls' (Furry, M/Futa/Futa, Boob Love)

Story by Lithier

Here's another commission, a little simple, but the material's right up my alley :3 Enjoy!

"Yeah! Suck my dick, bitch!" Ardanis leapt to his feet, half-throwing his controller and cackling at the screen. After a constant fury of bare misses exchanged back and forth, he'd finally fragged the last enemy, and won the match for his team. A beat, and his ears folded, the feline realizing himself.

For one thing, he didn't have a mic-- he was playing at Ginger and Mina's place, since they had a nicer TV, but they didn't have all the equipment he was used to. So his victorious taunting went unheard-- or, perhaps, heard by the wrong person. That was the other problem: while Mina was at work, Ginger was still sleeping. He grimaced slightly, glancing over at her door. Silence. He let a breath go, and quietly sat down again. His heart still beat rapidly in his ears.

The gray-and-white cat wasn't just here for the games, of course. He had a long and cum-soaked history with the couple living here, and while they often meant to have an innocent night with a movie or a nice little lunch together, all too often certain... urges surfaced and pushed everything else aside. Little wonder why he kept inviting himself over to their place. And, of course, their intimidatingly massive TV didn't hurt.

His nose twitched. Damn... "Sorry, Ginger, didn't mean to wake you." The mouse girl was plenty light on her feet, of course, but she couldn't hide her distinctive, warm, spicy scent. He'd spent too many nights with his nose buried against her skin to not know her smell in an instant by now.

"Oh, it's alright, babe. I was sleeping later than I'd meant anyway." She spoke from just behind his couch, yawning softly. Her voice didn't betray her disappointment in her own stealth. "Mina should be home soon."

"That late already?" Ardanis frowned softly. He could have sworn it wasn't even noon just a minute ago. That was the annoying thing about this game, it ate up hours of his--

Two great, soft weights smooshed down on his head firmly, wrapped tight in an undersized t-shirt. His character ran into a wall. He could barely even see it on the tv as dull red fabric bulged over his brow to eclipse his view. Ardanis grinned. "Need a hand holding these up?" He dropped the controller and reached up, taking two broad pawfuls of overflowing breast. "I know they must be pretty heavy." He kneaded slowly as the mouse chuckled.

On Ginger's sleek body, her rack was shocking in size. She had to get her bras custom order half the time, when she bothered with them. Ardanis loved them, and he'd probably spend hours playing with them if the mouse let him get away with it. But she often had other things in mind. "Ohh, you should've been there a minute ago." He could hear the smile in her voice. "Hauling them out of bed's the hardest part." Her hands cupped his paws a moment, then one slid down to give him a little scritch under the chin.