Lisa: An Evening With Friends (mast, oral, rom, realistic, futa)

Story by green52

This is a sequel to a story from a year ago. Its star is an intersexed girl in college who develops unexpectedly in her early twenties. In earlier stories she develops a penis, comes to terms with the shock, and has become comfortable and open with her body. I'm simultaneously releasing parts III and IV.

Lisa, Part I (transform, mast, bond/dom, realistic, futa)

Lisa, Part II, an interlude

Lisa took a swig of beer and brushed her brown hair from her face. “No...”

“Oh, c'mon. I haven't played truth-or-dare since middle school,” cajoled Emma.

“Well you and Katie and Sean can play without me,” Lisa said.

Katie joined in. “Oh, thats no fun. C'mon, Lisa.”

“Thats what I thought,” smirked Lisa, rolling her eyes and reaching for the deck of cards.

“What do you mean by that?” Katie responded.

Lisa gave her a wry smile. “You all are just going to want to see my dick. Maybe you don't realize it, but I know you do.”

Katie was taken aback to hear it put that way, but caught herself. “Okay... maybe we do! I mean, it wasn't my intention, but now that its been mentioned I can admit that I've always wanted to see what it looks like up close. Is that such a bad thing?”

Before Lisa could respond, Emma, embarrassed, added, “I'm sorry, I didn't think! I thought you were comfortable with it! You don't keep it a secret, and you weren't shy about your body before you developed it!”

“I'm not. It's not shyness, really. The truth is, I'd get a kick out of showing off. It just doesn't seem fair that you get a show and all I get is blue-balls.” They looked at her. Preempting their question, she added, “Like, proverbial blue-balls. You guys know I don't have testicles. On the outside, at least.”

Sean, who'd kept quiet for fear of sounding too eager, chimed in from the kitchen, where he'd gone to pour himself another glass of wine. “Well, if thats the only problem, perhaps we can make an arrangement.”

“What kind of arrangement?” Lisa asked, squinting so a wrinkle formed above her cute nose. Her nose was her third favorite part of her body.

Sean was hesitant to say it, but knew he had to go on. “If we didn't leave you all wound up, well, then would you be willing to show us? I swear, we won't treat you like an alien.”

Lisa grinned widely. “I like this. I'm game. But each one of you has to help out. No one is sitting out and watching. Deal?”

Sean looked placid, but Lisa knew that his pokerface was just to cover up his ex