Dave and the Princk Mistresses

Story by Oncardam

Another long time lurker turned author posting their first story.

The setting for this story is based on Mysty's Dexter Chronicles, but it is set in a different part of the country. This story follows a single character on his journey.

It is softer in tone than Mysty's story, but there are some sections that are non-consensual. Things like the Pens etc. are still there, they are just not part of the story line. FemTech is still as committed to its methods and goals, you just get to see more of the scheming that is going on behind the scenes and less of the hands on.

This is primarily a story with sex and not the other way around. I set out to write a short story and it ended up nearly 40,000 words long.

This is the first story I have posted anywhere, so constructive criticism welcome.

Story Premise

Dave’s sister Claudia has married in to a very rich and very powerful family. In the early years, everything appeared to be going fine, but then Dave’s brother-in-law started to show his true colors.

When finally Claudia had become a prisoner in her own home, Dave had to act, but who could he turn to? The local authorities and the feds were in the brother-in-law’s pocket.

There was only one place to turn to and they were not in the habit of helping men. What price would Dave have to pay?

Special thanks to Mysty for allowing me use of her setting.

Thanks to Mysty and Nallus. Without their writings, this story could not have come into being.

Thanks also to BlahBlah. It was reading the latest Bayonetta installment that crystallized some of the things I had been thinking about. That started the fingers hitting the keys.

Thanks also to Ravyn and Blaze. Their first person storytelling kind of makes you want to be JoyGirl. Hopefully, by doing something similar, I can make at least one person want to be Dave (besides me of course).

A lot of the motivation for this story came from the discussion between Mysty and her readers. I wanted to explore if a male could fit into a princk household without being a grovelling slave. While the pendulum is swinging against the males, can there be a moderating force to nudge things at least partially back towards the middle and what would it look like.

There is one assumption that I have made in the story that may lead to it being a fork rather than set in the same universe as Mys