Breaking Sakura [Tsunade x Sakura, Futa x Female]

Story by MobMentality

There seem to be quite a few fans of Naruto stories on this site, so I thought I'd post one I wrote a couple years ago. The first chapter focuses on futanari, while the second is bestiality-oriented. Beware, I don't care very much for Sakura's character.

Haruno Sakura hurried down the streets of Konoha, almost skipping as she made her way to the Hokage's building to report in for her first day of training as an apprentice medical ninja. Entering, she passed through several security checkpoints before making her way to the fifth floor. Finally she was standing in front of the large oak doors that led to the Godaime's penthouse office, and here Sakura paused for a moment to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. This is it, she thought to herself, I'm finally going to learn how to become strong. I'm not going to be a burden anymore! Drawing confidence from this line of thought, she knocked on the door as hard as she dared, and after a moment of silence was rewarded with a muffled "Enter."

It was not Sakura's first time in the Hokage's office, but it was the first time she had come alone, with only herself, the Godaime, and her assistant Shizune present. Seating herself in one of the chairs facing Tsunade, Sakura waited quietly for the Hokage to speak.

After a minute, Tsunade put aside the papers she was reading and looked directly at Sakura, her eyes boring into the younger girl's until the genin was forced to avert her gaze to the floor.

"So, you're here to begin your training as a medical ninja."

"Yes, Tsunade-sama."

"Do you realize what an honour it is to be taken as my apprentice? To be given precedence over all the other shinobi that have requested, often begged to be taught by me?"

Sakura was somewhat confused by this line of questioning, but she attempted to answer anyways. "Tsunade-sama, I - "

"It was a rhetorical question Haruno. What I do want you to answer is why you think I chose you out of all those other candidates, many of whom have trained for years in the medical arts, and almost all of whom are in many ways more qualified for such a position than yourself."

"Ah... because of my chakra control? Kakashi-sensei said it was near-perfect."

Tsunade let out a derisive snort. "Kakashi exaggerated, probably in an attempt to boost your confidence. While your chakra control is impressive for someone your age, it is nowhere near perfect, or even the minimum expected of a rookie med-nin. To answer my own question, the reason I consented to take you on as my apprentice, despite your glaring inadequacies, was because Naruto cares deeply for you, and I assumed you returned the sentiment."

Sakura was shocked and more than a little crushed to hear this, but before she could respond, Tsunade continued.

"However, it has recently come to my attention that you only care for my little brother in the context of what he can do for you, and so -"

"That's not true!" Sakura could not resist from blurtin