The Three Curses of Onia Renemede

Story by Magnanimous

I've been planning this one in some form or other for a LONG time.

Naturally, these things never come out exactly as I plan... but I just swallow the doubt back and write them (then post them) anyway.

Yes, I'm sorry for those following it that I haven't done anything with my flash game for a long time, but I haven't abandoned it altogether.


This one.

In the end it will have a Prologue part, Three main parts... and a shorter Epilogue.

I'm gonna try and shove them all into this one post for convenience...

And for now (as of the beginning) I have the prologue and the first main part written... so I'll shove the rest in as I write 'em (I'll try to finish it BEFORE I lose interest)...

Part 1 contains no more than mild masturbation stuff, briefly:

Part 1 : The Girl who said No

She walked proudly. Where she stepped, gazes were drawn. And as she marched down the main street, men stared at her in lust and women were overcome with self-doubt.

Of course everyone loved her. How could they not? Tall, fiery-haired and elegantly curved, she knew herself to be quite without equal. Her every movement projected an absolute assurance of her own worth. To even doubt it would be madness. Ridiculous. Absurdity!

She nearly stumbled. But not quite. Onia Renemede never stumbles! Onia Renemede makes others stumble! Instead, she merely refocused herself.

It was such a silly thing. Not a mote of importance in the grand scheme of things. Afterall, what Onia wants, man or woman, Onia gets! And what she wants, they want too.

So why would that girl have said no? HOW could she have said no?

Obviously she was just shy. Probably uncertain of herself. She just needed a little encouragement, and she was graciously granted it. Onia Renemede is nothing if not patient!

How could she say NO?!

The idol of grace and vibrant beauty, assured though she was, found herself a little put out by the state of affairs. Quickening her pace, she made her way home from work and bathed in the adoring gazes of the passers by.

The girl had been a pretty little thing. Exotic. Black hair and tanned skin. Pert little breasts and a cute curve to her hips. Pouty lips and the blush of the curious. Such a precious little novelty that Onia simply had to have her. So how had it gone wrong?


Talaika was a curious one. Talaika the gypsy girl.