new pet in the house (futa/male)

Story by wet-baby

this story is nothing but one of my fantasies, all the characters are fictional with the exception of myself, everything about myself is true.

It was the night of my twenty-first birthday and I was at a club really getting into my drinks. I was flirting with everything in a skirt and I guess that was where I screwed up. I had just gotten off the dance floor and was going to sit at the bar when she approached me.

"you look like you could use a drink" she said with a smile. She held out a fruity looking drink with an umbrella in it and I took it. The rest of the night went by like a blur, the last thing I remember is getting into her car with the hopes of going to her place and "getting some", then blacking out.

when I got up I was in what seemed like a teenage girls room. most of the furniture was pink along with the walls and carpet, there were posters of boy bands and pop singers decorating the wall and the closet doors were open showing frilly girl clothes in many colors but mostly in pink. I got out of bed and realized I was completely naked. I looked around the room for my clothes but couldn't see them anywhere. As I searched a woman walked through the door, I looked and recognized her as the lady from last night.

"oh good your up" she said "come over here"

"what happened last night" I asked

"you will not speak until I say so" she said as I walked to her "now we must get you dress, but first I would like to have a little fun" there was something in her voice that said it wasn't going to be what I was hopping for. It wasn't until right then that I realized she was almost a head taller then me but that didn't mean much me being only five foot four. She looked down at my penis and started to giggle and I knew why, when not erect it was only two inches long at best and even with a boner I was only four inches.

I blushed deep red and looked down at my feet. She noticed my embarrassment and pulled me to her in a hug with my face in her chest. "sorry darling but your just so small I couldn't help myself but its ok you won't be using that very much anyway" she said and I looked up into her eyes curiously.

"what do you mean by th-" she put he finger to my lips to shush me and stepped back to take of her clothes. As she pulled down her panties time seemed to stand still as a large and very hard cock bounced up from the place where she'd tucked it. it was at least eight inches long and about four inches around.

She pulled me to her again and in my shock I let her. I could feel her rubbing it against mine making me hard to and pressing her breasts into my chest. she grabbed my wrists and moved my hands to her cock, I realized then that she was much stronger then she looked and trying to get away wasn't going to happen so all I could do was go along with it. I stroked her cock while she continued to rub it against mine faster and faster. She kissed me forcing her tongue into my mouth. I knew I wouldn't be able to take much more but just before