A Double Dose of Jack

Story by redrain

A Double Dose of Jack Chapter 1

A whore by the name of Linda was eagerly seeking a customer before she returned home for the day. Today was a pretty slow day for her, and she needed to at least earn a bit more before she had enough to live off for the week. Taking a small rest in one of the seeder sections of London a young man approached her, and Linda saw dollar signs. The young man standing before her gave off the air of a man in high society, and she could nearly feel the money in her hand already. Quickly looping her arm around his Linda wasn't about to let him slip away "So did you come for a good time hot stuff?" asked Linda as she pulled the man along. " Why yes I did miss, but it seems your a lot more eager than even I am." stated the man as he was pulled into a secluded alley way Linda typically used when she was near this section of town. Finally stopping Linda's clothing began to quickly fall to the floor giving the young man a clear view of everything " So what do you want to do hot stuff?" asked Linda as she seductively ran her hands across her body. With a smile the man closed the distance between them, and from his sleeve dropped a knife. If Linda was a bit smarter she would have put things together before the knife cut threw her neck like tissue paper. " I think I'll take your entire body." said the man as Linda's head fell to the cold stone below.

" It seems London is still a shit hole after all these years." thought Jack as he got to work mutilating Linda's body. Slicing open her torso with a single slash Jack was like a kid with the keys to a candy store. Plunging his hand in deep Jack's found the desired organ, and tore Linda's heart from her body. As he put the heart away Jack heard the sound of laughter as a man holding a lantern walked into the alleyway " So I guess the rumors of the Ripper coming back weren't just rumors after all." said the man as he took note of Jack's handy work. The man extended his hand to Jack "Well let Jack O Lantern be the first one to welcome your return." said the man with a hint of amusement in his voice. Shaking the man's hand Jack was surprised to meet the man that defeated the devil himself twice, but then again Lantern was doomed to wander the Earth after that. Lantern smiled as Jack let go of his hand " So Ripper can I interest you in a little partnership? You just came back, and I'm sure you've noticed London isn't the hunting grounds you once knew. But I'm willing to lend you a hand if you allow me to join in your little game. So do we have a deal?" asked Lantern getting straight to the point. Jack knew he would need some help adjusting to this new world, and who would be a better teacher than Jack O Lantern. "Alright Lantern I accept, but you should already know the rules of my game" said Jack as he looked at the headless body sitting beneath them. With a small laugh Jack O Lantern nodded, and pulled out a letter " Let's give the people a little notice of your