Answered Prayers (Ah! My Goddess) [Urd x Keiichi, Futa x Male]

Story by MobMentality

AN: Ah! My Goddess was one of the first manga I ever read, but I eventually stopped following the series after three years of watching Keiichi fail to even reach first base with Belldandy. So when someone mentioned wanting to see an Ah! My Goddess story, I decided to finally contribute to the site and write an alternative explanation for why Keiichi never was able to put the moves on any of the goddesses. Any feedback or criticism is welcome.

Keiichi Morisato angrily slapped the water in the bathhouse as he fumed quietly in his tub. He was somewhat angry with Belldandy, but mostly he was furious with himself. He’d been successfully keeping his problem a secret for over four years, and today one stupid mistake while getting dressed had put all that effort to waste.

He was usually religious about keeping his door locked while he slept, but Keiichi’s old college sempais had dragged him out drinking the night before, and he had been so hung over this morning that he hadn’t thought to check as he rushed to get to the job that he was several hours late for.

He’d just dropped his pants when Belldandy had opened the door to collect his clothes for the wash, not bothering to knock as she had obviously assumed he wouldn’t still be in bed at 10:30 on a workday. She had of course instantly dropped the hamper she was carrying to cover her face and backed out of the room while stuttering apologies, but the damage had been done. She’d seen his penis.

Keiichi was one of the few men in the world who suffered from what was known as a micropenis, where abnormal hormone production resulted in exactly what the name of the condition implied. At full mast, Keiichi’s dick measured a miserable 1.6 inches, a figure he had obsessively checked and rechecked throughout his teenage years, until he had eventually resigned himself to the fact that he was never going to be able to satisfy a woman in bed.

This was the reason he had never gone even as far a second base with Belldandy in all the years they had been living together; if he ever allowed his their relationship to progress physically there would eventually come a time when they would be naked together, and he couldn’t stand the idea of standing before Belldandy’s divine body and showing her his stunted nub.

But that’s never going to be an issue now, he thought dejectedly. He wasn’t sure what Belldandy’s eventual reaction would be to all of this; he had successfully avoided her since the event. She was too kind a person to dump him or even make any sort of disparaging remark about it, but how could she ever feel sexual attraction to him after this? In all likelihood, she would feel bad for him, and was even now probably trying to convince herself that this didn’t change anything between them. Yeah, he could definitely see her taking that path. But he wouldn’t let her. He did have some pride as a man after all, and he was not going