Private Lessons

Story by G. ArchAngel

Hey Guys! I've put this story up here five years ago and for some reason I can't pull it up. Ahh well, its OK, I've been rewriting the story anyway. So here it is....again.

PS. Just edited to correct the Japanese in this story. Thanks to djhashimoto for the heads up. Good looking out man!

Update: Had my name changed. Same story though.

Private Lessons

By: G. ArchAngel

(This story is a lemon, which means it contains adult situations as in futa on guy action. You have been warned!)

Cast of Characters:

Auron Gerald (Black)------------------Star/Sophmore.

Takuma Yamada (Japanese)---------Former Teacher

Mimi Kagashi (Japanese) ------------New Teacher

Mitch Benoit (Caucasian) ------------Classmate (Best Friend)

Connie Dryer (Caucasian-Goth) -----Classmate (Best Friend)

(Side note: In parts of the story I will speak in Japanese to make this story a little more interesting. Words that I will be using mostly will be "Ohayo gozaimasu" (Good Morning), "Kon'nichi wa" (Good Afternoon), "Hai" (Yes), "san" (Mr. or Miss/Mrs./Ms.), "sensei"(Teacher) and "Domo Arigato"(Thank you very much).

High has it moments in its own way. The Christmas break was certainly one of them, but now it has come and gone back to the old grind. In most cases, High school is only good for being with your friends everyday and what really suck is that school these days is more like prison, especially in the case of a young black 17 year old named Auron Gerald. As a sophomore, he was not exactly popular, but he has made a name for himself. He was known as Auron the "ArchAngel". This straight-edge youngster was given that name for two reasons: One; there are many times he will walk around with a small frown, but no matter what his face said on the outside, on the inside, he is the kindness person you have ever met in your life. And Two; he was known to stand up to the Senior class-men and fight them off when need be if they pick on him. He actually K.O.ed a senior in the first month of his freshman year in fact. That was easy with three years of self taught kickboxing under his belt (Billy Blanks "Tae Bo" and other ways.), and he was smart enough to save his fights until after school. Again he was not one of the popular kids, but he gained a lot of respect from his peers and that was OK with him. He is a bit of a loner so he feels that he don't need that kind of attention anyway.

It was now the fifth and final period of the day, and it was a new language class called basic Japanese. When Auron heard about that earlier in his sophomore year, he jumped on that in a hurry; mainly becaus