The Fall of Autumnsville

Story by Fire Fly

Author’s Note: Well it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. This is my attempt to get in the swing of things. This is only chapter one in this world that I’m creating with Car2nage and anyone else who would like to help write it. I don’t want to spoil anything, but there isn’t too much action in this particular chapter. This will just be a segway that leads into much bigger things. That being said, don’t read this unless you like transformation, possession, mind control, corruption, and male to futa TG. Reviews and thanks are very much appreciated. Those tell me whether or not I’m doing well as a writer, and I’m sure that my co-authors would appreciate the kind or not so kind words that you have. Criticism with suggestions on how to make this great is good criticism. Also, looking for an editor. Contact me at if you are interested! :3

The Fall of Autumnsville: Chapter 1

By Fire Fly & Car2nage

August 5, 2011

“There are about two more boxes. Think you can handle them bud?”

Mitchell Harvey was exhausted after a full day of hefting furniture and boxes. His back was aching and his muscles were practically made out of jelly. He had to take a break – maybe even close his eyes for a minute. Oh how he desperately wanted a nap, but he knew he’d never get anything done if that happened. Still, he plopped his butt on his sofa and laughed in his exhaustion. He was finally moving up in the world. After banging his head against books for most of his life, at the age of twenty-five he was ready to become a man. He used to be a broke college student living off of pitiful financial aid checks and the tiny allowance his parents threw him every month, but with his Masters degree in Information Technology he had caught a job working for the biggest law firm in the area. That wasn’t saying much in this small suburban town they called Autumnsville, but who could refuse the high five figure salary they were willing to give him right out of grad school in this economy? He would have been crazy to turn the job offer down. They even offered him a nice bonus so he could find a place to live that was close to work.

“Hey! Where do you want me to put these?” a low voice asked from the doorway to the living room. His face was obscured by the large cardboard boxes, and just like Mitchell was a moment ago, he seemed to be struggling not to keel over with all of those boxes he was juggling.

“Just set them down wherever. I’ll have to start unpacking in a little while anyway,” Mitchell groaned and then started laughing as the pain of his muscles reminded him that this wasn’t going to be an easy task. Thank God for Kevin Jones though. Moving would have been way worse without his college pal. The tall, black man looked just as beat as Mitchell, and after throwing the boxes down, he stumbled and fell into the