The Touch of A Dullahan

Story by redrain

Alright I've been wanting to do something like this for awhile now, and i feel it turned out reasonably well for stepping outside my comfort zone. I'm sorry if you find some flaws in this as I've had only a small amount of sleep the last few days. If you would like to see this continue post below.

Chapter 1: A Dark Beginning

Erica's entire form shook as she began to cough once again as she rested in bed. It only was a few years ago that she was a normal girl, but now she could barely leave her bed. It seemed Erica was infected by a unknown disease that resisted all forms of treatment. Luckily for everyone one else it seemed the infection rate was very low. During the first few months Erica's life didn't change very much aside from a dizzy spell now, and then. But as time passed on her body began to succumb to the disease, and grew weaker every passing day. As Erica slowly began to drift to sleep she could have sworn she heard the sound of a horse galloping outside.

If someone had been watching the front door they would have been in for at shock as each of the locks on the door sprung open as if they were expecting the creature on the other side. As the door slowly opened a armored form barely visible in the dark took it's first step inside Erica's home, and reached up to remove his helmet. As the creature slipped the helmet off it's head it revealed the face of a handsome young knight. But unlike the knights young girls dream about this knight had a much darker duty. This night he was sent to claim the life of a young woman by the name of Erica. As the Dullahan set his helmet on a near by table he quickly spotted the stairs to the home's upper floors, and quickly began to climb the stairs without a sound. It only took a short amount of time for the Dullahan to find the room that his target was currently in.

As he opened the door the Dullahan's heart began to rapidly thump in his chest as he looked upon Erica's sleeping form. Even as he tried to say her name the Dullahan couldn't due it, but instead he quickly knelt at the head of her bed. " Even asleep she is beautiful." thought the Dullahan as his face quickly neared Erica's, and the Dullahan began to lightly kiss her before he regained control over his body. As he realized that he had taken advantage of a sleeping maiden the Dullahan made the choice to break the one of the rules all fariy kind followed. Lightly gripping Erica's hand the Dullahan began to peer into her mind to find what she desired most. Her first wish was to be cured of the disease and that was easily accomplished, but her second wish was something he couldn't do. Her second wish was something he could not grant even with his magic . What she wanted was a lover that would stand by her through anything, but the Dullahan created a small compromise as Erica's dreams began to transform to reflect her desires.

As the Dullahan continued to watch the girl's dream he himself couldn't help, but become even more aro