Soul bind Magic school (working title) Chapter one first draft (no sexual content)

Story by Feldo

Feel Free To Grammar Nazi this all to hell or just drop an opinion also my word processor's spell check doesn't work so the spelling could easily be off

The hardest part about losing your parents at an early age is caring. I think I get where people are coming from when they say things like this because my parents may as well have not existed. Sure they have been alive for most of my life thirteen of my fourteen years but they have also been gone more than twelve of those thirteen years. The only changes that happened when they died was that I was re-designated as an orphan and I left the orphanage I grew up at and enrolled by my aunt who ran my home at the local Pre-Magic school.

My time there was interesting enough some pre-screening to make sure I wouldn't become some dark monster and what not, all and all it was school where we were trained to think in the most abstract ways possible, taught half a dozen dead languages,drilled in Mundane and Arcane mathematics, taught the basics of both Arcane and Martial physics, and despite what some might expect we were first and foremost taught that with proper training and talent the world would undeniably be our literal playground. The one thing they told us in warning was that most people don't like people to disturb their play time.

Most people thought it was a major thing when they learned that magic cannot be used without aide. It wasn't until halfway though the year that they told us this so where I was considered odd in the beginning focusing on theory and the mechanics of magic, something we weren't taught. Most of the time all our pre-magic level science lessons were all condensed into the pattern of "this is the same as the mundane stuff except when X is used." In the end it was little more than memorizing the special numbers, numbers like seven, thirteen, thirty-two, and other auspicious numbers. Though I believe I am getting ahead of my story.

Our gym classes were a highly contrasted mix of brute force exercises, highly dexterous feats , and Intense meditation and self discovery. At the time about half of our focus was on Gym. They were trying to build up our magic battery as it were build up high levels of Mana and begin building resistance to magical energy. While most got the point of the Meditation i was the only one who understood the physical training. My advantage was that most people like to see their mother's on occasion, especial orphans who never knew their real parents, in other words especially the people my aunt raised. When most people thought Mage they thought high level spells thrown around like bombs at anyone foolish enough to stop them. When I think Mage I see Scars from sword and knife wounds, broken limbs, and bloody brawls made bloodier by hexes and the like. What i hear are stories about times when partners have been killed due to fainting mid sword stroke.

I knew that the stronger you are physically the stronger magic can make you, that in a disciplined mi