Second Born: A Corruption of Champions Fan-Fiction

Story by Elimination Idol

First of all: if you're wondering "whats Corruption of Champions" then for shame. Click here to find out.

Second: if you're wondering why I'm not posting either of these stories instead, well... Sorry. First, it was procrastination. Then it was writers block. The excuses got progressively lame from there. But I'm not giving-up on those stories. Not even the one that received the fewest votes.

Note to self: no more polls about what I should do next. They're about as motivating as watching a bridge sell on ebay.

Third: this story will contain futa, (Captain Obvious saves the day again) corruption, (whodda thunkit) rape, (say it ain't so) furries, (its unnatural) drugs/potions, (just say ye... I mean, no!) and violence, (at this point, why not?) but no transformation.


Had you going there, didn't I? Of course it has transformation. A CoC story without transformation would be like KISS reuniting without singing: nobody would care to see that.

This first chapter doesn't have sex or transformations. Its just plot. Sorry. I'll work on future chapters and/or the other stories whenever.

Oh, I almost forgot: this is my first "serious" story. Please be gentle.


Who the hell am I kidding?! Tear it to shreds. I'll come back from the brink of death, and be stronger for it. Just like a Super Saiyan on LSD.

Edit 1: In the content tags, and above warning, I forgot to mention tentacles, futa on female, (not right away) and futa on male. (again, much later) Also, chapter 2 is already here. I surprised myself. I'm usually pretty lazy with this.

Edit 2: Chapter 3 is up. Don't expect anything but plot in this part.

Chapter 1: How It Is

It was a somber, silent early afternoon at the village of Ingnam. The time had come this year to send a champion to the demon realm, never to be seen again. At the outer square of the village, there stood two ebony-skinned, red-haired, nearly identical women. They were surrounded by the other villagers who were seeing them off.

One of those women had a scarred face. Her name was Marjani, for her fiery hair. However, there was no fire in her soul this day. Her only fight was against her own tears.

The other woman was Marjani’s twin sister. She was named Nakato because she was born a few minutes later.

The two were dressed in similar simple brown shirts and black pants. But Nakato bore a travel pack behind her shoulders. It contained a tent and her few meager remaining material possessions.

The deafening silence was broken when Marjani lost her battle, and broke into sobs. She threw her arms around Nakato, “Don’t go, please…!”

Nakato hugged Marjani back. For awhile, neither spoke as Marjani cried, “It was my fau