
Story by LABAD

(Futa on Male, Male on Futa, a little bit of Futa on Female and plenty of incest) Hey all, this is only my second time posting a story on here, I'm an ok writer but I usually do love stories and junk like that, this is the first time I'm incorporating smut into one of my usual lovey dovey stories, of course I'd be willing to listen to any tips/suggestions you have. So without further ado, my first smut/love story.


The world is just an ordinary boring place from my point of view, but then again I could really be referring to my life when I say that. As I sit in my bed on this early morning I can't help but believe my life is just all down hill from here. Being a fresh out of high school guy most would believe that you're finally free to do whatever you want whenever you want, but the truth is those were the best times of my life. I wasn't the super popular type, but I wasn't a loser either. I had good friends, none that were all that close but still good nonetheless. But now I just sit here watching all the kids out my window complain and gripe about having to go to school and wishing it could be over soon, what I wouldn't give to be back in their shoes and do it all over again.

“Shinji! Are you awake yet?” my mother called from downstairs.

I decided not to answer in fear that she would force me to take part in some kind of chores she had for me, so I ducked right back under the covers. However, I continously forget that my mom is a rather tenacious one. “I know you're awake!” she called. When I didn't answer I heard the sound of her footsteps and then the sound of my door sliding open. “Shinji Takahada! Get your lazy ass up!”

“Mom,” I groaned. “It's too early to get up.”

“You're not fourteen anymore!” She growled slamming her bare foot right on the back of my head and shoving it into the pillow. “Now get up so you can take out the trash, and after that you're going to find yourself a job!”

“Can you get your foot off me?” I asked my voice being muffled by the pillow. “I'm going suffocate.”

“Then die,” she grinned adding more pressure on me.

I hate it when my mom acts like this, sometimes she reminds me of a hyper active teenager. Of course she isn't an old lady, I think she's barely in her thirties right now and I'm already 18. “Alright mom,” I groaned as she added more pressure. “Just get the hell off me.”

“Very well,” she said removing her foot. “And I'm serious about getting a job, seeing as you didn't find the need to go to a university you'll have to earn money if you want to stay here.”

“With a crazy old lady?” I asked getting out of bed.

“If you consider 25 old then I guess I'm a geezer.” Mom told me.

“Mom we both know you're not 25,” I said. “Try 35.”

“32 smart ass,” Mom said. “Now t