The Hounds

Story by Magnanimous

Short story.

Just wrote it all in one go... on a whim.

Took about 2 hours.

Just sorta had to get it out of my system.

If you like monster stuff, read it. If you don't like monster / weird stuff then don't. Simple.

Contains: Transformation / Bestiality / Rape / Surreal / Full Herm

The Hounds

The sharp debris on the forest floor stabbed into her feet as she ran. Her limbs felt as though on fire, her feet ravaged by a thousand needling pains. But onward she ran. She had to. Even a moment's hesitation would mean getting caught.

Her skin prickled with the cold of the twilight air, naked and exposed, but in her fear she could not feel it. Her breasts jiggled madly with every strained leap, but in her terror she could not care. Somewhere behind her came a howl that pierced the mind, distant but closing.

With tears streaming down her face, Alinee forced herself onwards.


Maybe they had warned her. Maybe they hadn't. She couldn't remember.

They weren't nice though, the people of the village. She recalled that much. Cold people. Distant and hostile. Always had been.

She had been sad when she had gone into the woods. Was it because she was sad, or because she had wanted to forage berries? She couldn't be sure, but foraged berries she had. The woods were full of all sorts of interesting plants, so even the most shunned of people could find beauty there. Beams of sunlight shining through a thousand shades of green, smatterings of red and blue.

Far had Alinee wandered into the woods. Seeking beauty or escaping ugliness, it was all the same. It took the care of returning to civilization and brushed it to sleep with gentle strokes. The forest was all there was, tender and kind, merciful and fair.


She remembered the whistling. The strangely haunting tune that broke the dominion of hidden birds and chirping insects. The tune that had captivated her. It was strange when after getting so close, yet unseen, it had stopped.

But there wasn't much to remember after that. As that was about the point where Alinee felt something grasp her from behind, a cloth over her face... and... blackness.


It was getting darker by the moment.

The trees were a blur around her, unstable, looming and jagged. Mockeries of life, laughing silently at her escape.

Why had she ever left? What could the unpleasantries of the village folk compare to this?

Alinee bit back the tears and grit her teeth as she ran desperately onward on failing feet. And somewhere behind her, somebody or something screamed.


Cold were the bars that had held her.

In a small cage she had woken. Barely enough room to stand, and little enough to lie down. Clothes were gone, shoes were gone, nothing left but her in the cage which held her.

The room in which her prison was placed might otherwise have been pleasant enough. Re