A Twins Secret Life

Story by d_CLOUD_b

This is my first story I’ve ever written. Please don’t hold back on any comments, critiques, or anything. Hope you enjoy.

A Twins Secret Life

As the morning dew began to frost over the grass outside, Alex rolled over and tried to find the warmth under his blankets in bed. As soon as he found it the door creaked open and his sister poked her head inside. “Alex, wake up. It’s your turn to cook breakfast today” she said in a groggy tone. “Uuuugh” Alex moaned and rolled over to cover his face from her. He did this when he had to cook. “Lexi I don’t wana cook…you do it.” “No, it’s Friday. It’s your turn.” She said as she drug her feet over and gently got under the sheets with her brother. Lexi and Alex were born fraternal twins. So naturally they grew up very close with one another throughout their childhood and teenage years.

Throughout their lives their mother was a night worker and their father was a volunteer fire fighter. Sadly he had died inside a building trying to save a child when they were two. But even through the hard times they found a way to make things work and remember their fallen father. As they grew older Alex decided, against his mother’s orders, to join the local volunteer fire department at sixteen. Lexi, never wanting to be far from her only male figure, joined the auxiliary team and supported him through every fire he’s every been to. Naturally being a fire fighter, Alex was just at five foot six, had a nice flat stomach and built arms from hauling hoses and tools at incidents, coal black hair kept in a short buzz cut, and deep blue eyes that almost defined his entire being. Lexi was the one that took after her father. At six foot three and built like an Olympic distance runner, her long tan legs ran straight up to her almost hourglass like figure. Always disappointed in her small A sized breasts, she eventually stopped caring after she found out her ass was her main eye catcher. Her hair was the same coal black as her brothers that she kept just at chin length. Her ruby red eyes are what made her feared and wanted by all of the boys that flocked to her through her life. But now they had both graduated high school and were at the same college at their apartment the family passed down every generation to those who went to the ‘family college’. So naturally they both said yes.

Lexi inched closer to her brother and kissed him on the lips gently. “Come on Alex, just make eggs.” He rolls over and get on his feet to go cook their breakfast. “Fine I’ll cook ‘em.” He said as he pulled up his jeans. “But you gota help me with Algebra at lunch, and I’ll help you with your boy problem.” Alex chuckles at his sister as she pokes her tongue at him. He knew she was worried about this guy in her Biology class. But secretly, he