Old World Enhanced (Fallout Based Shemale Story)

Story by wildbeyond

I'm always coming up with new ideas, but I do seem to come back to Fallout related stuff alot, cause it is just ripe for doing naughty stuff with it X3 The story is just starting out, where it will have sex and violence as our heroine try's to figure out what this strange world is :3 It won't have something sex based every part, more story driven, but I hope you all enjoy ^^

Old World Enhanced

Part 1

Within a dark room, lost to time, the knowledge of it's existence long forgotten, the soft whirring of machinery echoing endlessly changed for the first in centuries. As lights dimmed and vanished, backup lights turned on and a new range of noises began to start back up, showcasing a large tube in the middle of the room. Through the frost covered glass, a shadow could be seen within, never moving, anyone who saw inside would be unable to tell whether the thing inside was alive or dead, frozen in a state of slumber for all these years. More lights began to blink, the tube beginning to shake as dust fell off the unused machine, filling the dim room with a soft haze, the glass of the machine beginning to glow. A forgotten science experiment began to awaken...


A sudden breath awoke the girl. Gasping for air like she had been holding her breath forever, she realized she was on metal floor, littered with dust and debris. The lights of the room were dim, a machine was beeping loudly behind her, and a voice was starting to become apparent, but not a voice of a regular person, but one that kept repeating itself in a robotic tone...

"Power Failure. Experiment 00XX has left it's cryo-chamber. Power Failure. Experiment 00XX has left it's cryo-chamber. Power Fail-" And with a few more repeats, the lights once again dimmed to black and the machine noise died, the entire room dead silent, pitch black, and she was alone.

Trying to speak out, she realized no words came from her lips. She struggled and tried to scream, but it was only a faint whisper that she could only hear due to the unending silence of the room. Slowly she began to get up, but it felt like she had weights on her chest weighing her down. Giving her chest a squeeze, she was surprised to find that her breasts were enormous, each one bigger than a basketball, pushing to a size that she never knew was possible. Her nipples were thick enough to grasp in her hand, though upon doing so, it made her cry out silently with pleasure. It was with that feeling that she realized something also and slowly got onto her knees. Feeling around in the dark, she found a veiny attachment between her plump thighs that was thick enough that when both her hands wrapped around it, they almost barely touched. Nestled below the cock hung two large balls, each one a handful and more, connected to her crotch with a thick bush of hair