While They Were Gone (Unfinished) Feedback [Straight, Incest]

Story by Silvant

Hello there. I started this story off with a spark and was fairly happy writing it, but the spark has begun to fade slightly. Just looking to see what people think of it and if I should continue it. Any form of feedback would be helpful, wheter it be grammatical errors or the likes. Thanks for reading it if you do ^-^.

Maxwell awoke to a loud knocking on his door, his body feeling heavy. "Master Maxwell, your parents will be departing on their trip soon," Roland, a butler employed at their mansion, exclaimed. "I heard you!" the boy said from under his blankets. Max was definitely not a morning person, no matter what anyone said. He rubbed his eyes slowly as he sat up to look at the clock on his desk. 9:30.....a little earlier than usual, but then again today is the day he had been waiting for. He slowly got up from his bed and looked out into the lucious garden ahead of him. He loved to look out the trees and flowers in the morning and is the exact reason his chose this room, out of all the rooms in the manor, to live in. After taking in the glorious image, he walked over to his bathroom to start the day.

He went through the normal routine of brushing his teeth, washing his face, and fixing his ruffled hair. He looked at himself in the mirror, his black bangs still looking rather unkempt and his hazel eyes. his physique rather slimmer than the other seventeen year olds at his high school, mostly due to the diet he has been raised on. Schooling was one thing that he had been able to negotiate with his parents. Max hated being looked on with envy whenever he wanted to go out and just explore the city he was raised in, usually confined to the large 5-acre home he had become accustomed to.

He walked to his large closet, picking a plain black shirt and jeans from the many options he could have chosen from and lays the clothes on the bed. He walks into his bathroom and strips before entering the shower. The hot water hitting his chest, he closed his eyes and sighed, letting the water roll down his skin. After a few minutes, he took a towel from a nearby rack and dried off, leaving his hair for last. He then fitted the towel around his waist and walked back into his chambers, expecting some time to cool down, only to find his sister Lucia sitting on his bed.

Lucia was only half a year older than Max, but whenever a chance came to flaunt her superiority, she always grabbed it. Lucia looked nothing like him aside from the hazel eyes. Her hair was a sandy blonde, around three inches below her shoulders. Much like himself, she was slim and had her skin gave off a healthy glow. She looked as if she had also just recently awoken, wearing a long black silk nightgown that barely covered her C-cup breast. When Max and Lucia were small they would talk about everything, wheater it was big or small. They only stopped communicating about a year or so, when Max went to get her help with some math work he had due soon.

He walked in