Two Souls (Futa/Futa, Futa/Man, Futa/Woman, BDSM)

Story by Jaitim

NOTE: If you read through the posts and saw references for chapters up to 5, I recently reformatted and shortened it down to two chapters. No missing content.

There was something wrong with Semi. It had been obvious since she was six and snuck into the the neighbor boy's house and pulled out his loose tooth while he slept. She swore on everything she held dear that he had asked her to do it for him, even producing a five dollar bill as supposed payment. No one believed her however. That was just the beginning of a long list craziness, that always seemed to circle around Semi. Of course, that meant that it revolved around Saida as well. Saida loved Semi nonetheless and you rarely saw the two apart, in fact if you really stopped to think about it you probably couldn't come up with a single time they weren't side-by-side.

"You know you like it." Semi giggled, pinching Saida's cute little buttcheek.

Saida jumped at the rough pinch. The truth was she did enjoy it, but being out in front of everyone made her nervous. "Sisters aren't supposed to do that Semi, please you know I don't like people thinking we're perverts." The sound of Semi's, seemingly, innocent giggle brought goosebumbs up on her arms and legs and she knew that she wouldn't ever really try to stop Semi doing anything.

"No, big Sis, sisters aren't supposed to do this." Semi grabbed one of Saida's asscheeks firmly and used the grip to pull her sister closer. She then snaked one hand around Saida's waist and grasped one small tit in her hand. To finish off the picture she latched her lips onto her captive's throat sucking hard and then biting down softly.

Saida moaned softly, before she could suppress it properly. A tear came to her eye as she fought internally with the opposing emotions inside her. "Semi, I said no." But her breathing was getting faster and knees were beginning to buckle, and she knew that these physical reactions would turn Semi on far more than any words could control. At seventeen, Saida had learned to cope with her sister a little better than that though. Spinning around she shoved her groin against her sister's leg, grinding just a little. Before Semi's mouth could even close Saida tilted her head and forced her sister into a rough kiss. Pulling away quickly, she looked at her sister, her voice somewhat husky, "Tonight, dearest. Tonight."

Semi sighed as her big sister pulled out of her embrace altogether. "You win again, darling. Tonight I win though."

Saida sighed, another night full of whips and chains ahead of her, alas that was the price of winning this battle. Looking around she surveyed the damage. It was still early and the campus was fairly empty, only a few older professors walked the grounds, and they kept their gazes obviously averted. Saida just hoped she didn't have any of their classes this semester. Being a genius and getting into an ivy league school a