Sabrina and the Bully (Futa/F, Futa/M, Domination, excessive cum, extreme size

Story by sghoul

Sabrina666 was wonderful enough to let me post a story I was inspired to write using her Sabrina character. Hopefully this muse will lead me to continue my own stories :) Hope you all enjoy!

It was a day like any other. I was working away in the kitchen trying to make sure food was on the table when my husband arrived home (he was always rather upset when I failed at this). Our son was in the back den, playing games or watching TV. Then there was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone and my son made no moves toward the door, which told me he wasn’t expecting anyone either. Wiping my hands on my apron, I went to the door and answered it.

And there, smiling at me, was a pretty young girl. I couldn’t quite put my finger on her age, because while her figure and features were quite young, her eyes had a confidence beyond the years the rest of her appeared.

She looked around 4 feet tall, with red hair in a pair of curly pigtails. Porcelain skin, with a smattering of freckles on her cute little nose. She wore a pretty little dress and a pair of striped stockings. She had a bemused smile as she gazed at me. I suddenly realized I hadn’t spoken.

“Yes, dear, what can I do for you?” I finally asked.

“I’m here to see Andy.” She replied sweetly.

This seemed odd to me. While Andy was a good deal older than other kids in his classes (he had been held back a few times over the years), it seemed unlikely that this young lass went to school with him. But I called for him anyway.

When he finally made it to the front door, it was obvious that we had interrupted something and he looked none too happy about it. Seeing him stand in the doorway made it seem even more unlikely that he went to school with this girl. Always a stocky boy, he was easily 2-3 times her weight, and a good bit taller. Yet he seemed to recognize her.

“What do you want, Sabrina?” He growled. I was just about to scold him on his manners, but this ‘Sabrina’ beat me to the punch...literally.

Quick as could be, Sabrina punched my son in the stomach. Had I not seen it myself, I would never have thought someone so petite could put even a dent in my son, let alone cause him to bend over as the wind was knocked out of him. And Sabrina didn’t even seem as though she had really put much effort into the punch. Bent over as he was, Andy was now level with Sabrina.

“You’ve been bullying the wrong girls, Andy. I think today will be the last day of that.” She said calmly, yet with more authority than I had ever heard from a person. She then hit him solidly in the face, causing him to fly through the room, into the wall, and then slump to the floor, unconscious!

Through all of this exchange, I stood there in stunned silence. A small part of my brain felt that I should be defending my son. But the rest of me was in awe of this girl, cheering her triumph. It was then that the gir