Servants of the Dragon

Story by WotanAnubis

TITLE: Servants of the Dragon

AUTHOR: WotanAnubis

FANDOM: Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga or any of its characters. No profit is being made.


PAIRING: Dragon Knight/Hermosa

NOTE: Just something I threw together to get myself writing again.

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Hermosa sat at the edge of her platform and looked down at the island stretching away far, far below, the strong winds occasionally whipping her red hair across her face. She enjoyed looking at the island. It had become quite beautiful, much to her surprise. The green fields below were a far cry from the barren wasteland the island had been when she'd first arrived here by force. Of course, back then, Sentinel Island had been ruled over by a particularly cruel necromancer. These days...

Hermosa looked up to see her Mistress circling in the blue sky, her powerful wings hardly beating at all. Close to, the Dragon Knight's sheer power overwhelmed any other impression anyone could get from her, but seeing her fly from a distance reminded Hermosa how beautiful her Mistress could be even in her draconic form. She was sleek and graceful, almost elegant even, as she drifted through the sky.

One of the Dragon Knight's wings twitched and she suddenly altered course, diving towards the Battle Tower. Hermosa felt her heart beginning to beat faster as she realised her Mistress was heading for her platform. She hurried to the centre of her arena, checked to see if all the equipment was in place (which it was), then waited patiently as the dragon grew larger and larger, completely filled her vision with her form, then disappeared with a sudden thunderclap. A slender, black-haired woman jumped out of the air, landed easily on the platform and looked at Hermosa with silver eyes.

Hermosa bowed reverentially. Once upon a time she had had to remind herself it was proper to bow for her Mistress. But, then again, once upon a time she had still thought of herself as Captain Hermosa.

"My Lady," she said. "Back for another sparring match?"

One corner of the Dragon Knight's mouth curled upward. "No," she said. Then,


Hermosa fell into step behind the Dragon Knight almost automatically. As distant and as alien her now largely draconic soul had become, as expressionless as her silver eyes were, Hermosa nevertheless felt she knew her Mistress well enough to know what her intentions were. She intended to fuck her. Which, admittedly, was hardly a terrible thing. Hermosa quite enjoyed sex and the Dragon Knight was quite a capable lover. It was just that whenever she was in the mood, she naturally assumed Hermosa would be in the mood as well. Which she always was. The Dragon Knights had sunk her talons so deeply into her soul that it took some real effort to separate her own desires from those of her Mistress. Sometimes there were days where she worried about that.

She wasn't worried now, though. With every step she took towards the Drago