A Rabbit and Her Carrot

Story by xenume

I've finally completed this story. This is a Mahou Shoujo (Magical Girl) story and includes loli so don't read it if that's not what you're into.

Chapters involve corruption, incest and impregnation.

Chapter 1 - The Curse

Beams of crimson light lanced through the air, vaporizing anything they came into contact with. The young girl gasped as one barely missed her head, making a perfectly circular hole in the tall building behind her instead.

“Guguguguu~” A strange sound echoed from the creature who had been unleashing the torrent of destruction. Despite the inhuman voice, one could clearly tell that it was laughter. “Just give up… Just give up…”

“I won’t!” the girl replied sternly. She was clearly a child, probably not even in High School yet, but this wasn’t the strangest thing about her. Even the outlandish costume she wore paled in comparison to the fact that the young girl was floating in mid-air, hovering at the same level as the city’s skyline.

In response to her bold declaration the creature merely cackled again. It was humanoid in shape but no sane person would mistake it as a human being. It wore no clothing, exposing its jet-black flesh and the myriad crimson lines that weaved over the surface. The joints in both its arms and legs were reversed, a feature that the abomination was taking advantage of by clinging to the wall of a building while still facing the girl.

“Stupid human… stupid human…” giggled the beast, a truly unnerving sound.

“I’ll show you!” cried the young girl, the two rabbit-like ears upon her head twitching in anger as she raised her arm. In her hand was a small rod, easily mistaken for a children’s toy, tipped with an orange crystal shaped like a carrot. Green streamers in place of the ‘stem’ danced with the wind as she pointed it in the direction of the creature.

“Rabi~ Rabi~” the girl began to chant. Sensing danger the beast began to move, its erratic movements disturbing to witness. “Rabu!” As the girl finished this final word a pink beam shot from the tip of the carrot-shaped crystal. Unlike the red lasers from the monster, the girl could sustain hers continuously. It carved a path through the building as she followed the fleeing creature up the wall. Eventually it reached the roof of the structure and leapt up, the girl flying after it in chase. Pastel pink sparkles traced the girl’s every movement as she landed gracefully on the roof.

Hissing aggressively, the beast crouched in the shadow of a water tank. Its joints appeared to have switched, but the monster still took an animalistic stance, crouching low to the ground. Its bloodshot eyes followed the girl’s every move, apparently taking her as a serious threat at last.

“I’ll kill you… I’ll kill you…” it threatened in a raspy voice.
