Tales of the Forest Twins

Story by The Extraordinary Mr. E

Note: For a while now, I've been wanting to do a "twincest" story. I had a basic idea of what I wanted to do, but after a while I lost interest in writing until recently. The following stories will follow a pair of elf twins. If you are interested in incest, yaoi, yuri, maybe some monster bestiality, tentacles, and possibly futanari, you might enjoy what I have in mind.

For starters, I'll post the prologue, laying out the setting of the story, set obviously in a fantasy world. I'll wait a few days before posting the next chapter. I very much welcome feedback and criticism. So if you (the reader) have a suggestion that could make the setting more interesting, please post or send me a PM.

Without further ado, I give you the Prologue of "Tales of the Forest Twins". I hope you enjoy it.

Tales of the Forest Twins


In a time where magic and nature are one in the same, the Elfen people of the Woods and Forests are the most connected to these forces. But with power and understanding of nature and magic, comes the burden of jealousy and discrimination. Mostly from the one race who cannot use magic at all, the Hume, people of the plains.

Once a nomadic race, the Hume once traveled the great plains of the land, building temporary homes, living off the land as hunter-gatherers. Once the seasons turned in ill-favor for them, the plainsmen would deconstruct their homes and move elsewhere to a more suitable climate region. Eventually, the Hume started to learn cultivation and started to establish permanent settlements. First near the mountains, where they learned how to work metals and the resources in the earth from the Dwarves.

Eventually, the Hume settlements became diverse, and misunderstandings led to conflict. Conflict led to the introduction of weapons of war. At first, the people of the plains fought amongst themselves. But soon enough, a single man united them under one banner and created the first Hume kingdom.

Years of peace and prosperity brought a boom of population for the Hume. They expanded their kingdom across the plains, to the mountain borders of the Dwarves, to the woodland borders of the elves, and to the scorched lands of the ancient dragon-kind. Soon, though, their eyes, filled with greed, set their gazes to the lands beyond their borders. They dared not attempt to expand into the lands of the dragons. The powerful beasts could easily burn even their largest cities. So they looked toward the Dwarf and Elfen lands.

The mountain kingdom and armies of the Dwarves proved impenetrable by the machinations of the Hume. After a brutal 10 year war with the Dwarves, the king of the Hume and the king of the Dwarves signed a peace treaty. The Dwarves would forgive the Humes on the condition that they allowed free travel and trade within the Hume kingdom. The Hume king had no choice but to agree.

Humiliated and furious, the Hume king set