APB Domination (Muscles, Violence, Sex, Shemale)

Story by wildbeyond

Not sure if I'll continue this story or not, maybe waiting to see what people think of it, but I got a muscle commission done and I thought I could write a story to it that would be lewd, short, and entertaining, heh.

Here we have the Vusty of the story...


Here hair is abit off, but for a cheap commission, I'm not gonna complain much, heh.

So if you like the story, comment on it. I didn't edit the story in particular, so I'm sure there's spelling mistakes and what not, so no need to point that out in particular, heh. Enjoy!

Oh and for those that don't know about APB, the story is that city is being fucked over by criminals, so the mayor signs into law the use of Enforcers. Basically controlled vigilantes that go out to fight the criminals as the police just aren't enough. I'll have more action between Enforcers and Vusty later on :D

APB: Domination

Part 1

The car engine revved, Vusty sat inside the Ram Raider, a reinforced Patroit Vegas, designed for getting away, smashing into shit, and to keep Enforcers from getting ideas about blocking her in or else their cars get totaled by her monster. With the final drag of her cigarette from between her full, purple-lip sticked, lips, she turned the car off, grabbed at her N-Tec assault rifle and stepped out into the mid-morning sun. The car creaked as she stepped, a real Amazon of a woman. Not only was she nearly seven foot tall, but she was built like a bruiser, with her muscles so finely detailed, every movement brought new things to look at. Not that she tried to hide any of it either with her outfit, a spaghetti string bikini top, tightly packed shorts, fingerless gloves, and stockings that hugge her powerful legs were the majority of that wear.

A few people ran in fear when they saw the green/purple clad woman. Now a common occurence even if she wasn't sporting a rifle, as she was coming up in the criminal world, her notoriety building with every job she accomplished. With a light swat, she sat a helpless civilian flying into the concrete steps of the bank, never slowing her stride as she made her way into the bank. Doors were helpless as she kicked in one with her boots, smashing the glass with ease as she stooped slightly and came into the room with a grin.

"Now if you would all drop to the floor and please have your--" Bullets from her gun shot out as they blasted away a security guard with his weapon drawn..."--wallets and jewels handy, I would ask for the tellers to pull out any cash in the drawers and for the manager to open the vault. Please don't try anything stupid, I know if you set off the alarm...well, not that it mattered after what happened to that guard." Vusty smiled as she watched a flurry of activity, people tossing their valuables into a pile, tellers pulling out money into bags, but the manager only came up meekly to the armed amazon.

"I'm s-sorr