Oh Cum All Ye Futa (Nuns, School Girls, Priests, Satanism, Blasphemy, Rape, Incest)

Story by Hardcover


I've got a confession to make, most of you probably won't like this one. It started as the next Girl Pox chapter, then turned into a simple futa variation on Joe D'Amato's Images In The Convent (oh how I love nasty nuns and naughty catholic school girls). Before long it had taken on a life of its own, ballooned to a 74 page monster, and my bitter opposition to religion reared its head. Address all hate mail to me, this isn't going to be pretty.

I've had bad relationship with religion all my life. I came from a Jewish family. Starting as a kid when a Sunday school teacher asked us what we thought the world was made of and I answered "Solids, liquids and gasses.", for which I was punished. As a teenager I was forced into a night time two day a week religious program for teens. The guys who ran this liked to open the floor to questions. Not a good idea when you don't actually have any answers. Probing the rabbis and teachers, I rapidly began to understand the masochistic nature of faith. Getting bitter, I researched other religions and found more of the same. Sex was out of the question, as I discovered that the minute anything got hard or moist you were already sinning, so it didn't matter. In all mainstream religions, you weren't supposed to enjoy your life, you were supposed to be miserable.

I grew up in the 80s. I found myself, as fan of all things horrific, preferential to Heavy Metal and all it's occultist imagery. In the 80 the Religious Right was suddenly in power, and idiotic government sponsored witch hunts like the backwards message bullshit and the destructive Satanic Panic raged. I watched as innocent people had their lives destroyed by the supposed 'good' forces of religion, government, and psychiatry, fueled by the vultures and panic starters in the news media. Censorship was rampant, book stores, record stores and comic book stores were raided by govorment agents ever few weeks. Homosexual publications were harassed, alternative religions were arrested as 'cults', and those of us still in high school were made more and more nihilistic by constant paranoid adults who would panic if one of us gave an opinion they didn't like. Brain washing 'rehabilitation' camps sprung up such as the ironically named Freedom Village by Rev Fletcher Brothers where teens were sequestered in little Orwellian societies and re educated with christian media. Nightmarishly, fundamentalist judges in secular courts would sentence teens to these places for even minor infractions (a violation of the separation of church and state, but nobody in power cared about that). Around this time, I started looking into the occult, and happened across a copy of The Satanic Bible. While agreed with a lion's share of the philosophy, there were large parts of it where I thought LaVey was totally full of shit. Not the least of which was the notion of a religion espousing non-conformity. By follo