Choose a Train Wreck.

Story by Elimination Idol

First of all, I'm not going to pretend any good will come of this.

On second thought, yes I will.

Third, if you're not familiar with my past writings, then thank goodness.:18:

Now that the bullshit is out of the way, I have a few ideas for stories. I need motivation to start one, because they are all far more ambitious than what I've done before. (and that doesn't take much) So, here they... Oh, before I start, I suck at naming people and things, so there are no names yet, just to make it easier for you. :19:

So, here are my ideas:

A fanfic set in the Slave Maker world. (to those who don't know: for shame, you noob. Check it out, already) However, it would happen years before the actual setting in the game.

It would revolve around a character inspired by the inhuman ancestry SM background. But instead of a SM, he's a fugitive. He manages to hide in a small, remote village. He finds a new GF, and finds his first hope for a normal life.

But then, demons loyal to his father abduct his new squeeze. To pursue them, he must travel alongside two priestesses sent to catch and exorcise him.

This story would be a general adventure story. Combat violence scattered throughout, a bit of straight sex in early chapters, followed by corruption, and eventually enough rape to earn a pardon from the fifth circuit supreme court.

What? No more political humor? Fine, be a party-pooper.

Oh, and yes there will be futa. Eventually.

Another Slave Maker prequel, but otherwise unrelated to the above. This one is about a young woman converted by tentacles ("into what," you ask? Like I said, go play the game yourself, noob) and sold as a slave to a old faith preacher.

The preacher, along with his temporary assistant, try to teach tentacle-girl to keep her new-found lust under control. She winds-up learning witchcraft instead. That, and she also learns he has his own tentacle-related secret.

This one will have plenty of sex. Futa/Female, Futa/Male, and enough tentacles to get a Japanese corporate sponsor.

What? That joke isn't cool either? Damn, you're no fun.

This one is completely unrelated to SM. Its a far less serious story, about three friends in high-school. Two of whom are boys who, one morning, find themselves transformed into girls. The third, being a girl from the start, finds her own sanity pushed beyond the breaking point.

Oh, and did I mention they've been bickering before the incident?

While holding out hope for a cure, one of the "guys" passes "his" time by experimenting with a lesbian relationship. What a surprise.

The other two start learning surprising things about one another.

This will feature yuri, (didn't see that coming, did ya?) futa/female, and possibly the worst narration ever. Oh, did I mention this o