The Wild Cage (Furry, Beast, Incest)

Story by Hardcover


Okay, I finally finished this rather long story, for those few that have been asking for it. I started this right after Changing The Scouts but got distracted with The Fur Trap and Transformative Discipline instead, but I finally go off my ass and completed this. This is another of my attempts to combine furry with strait bestiality. The plot, such as it is, concerns a mother and daughter, Cecilia and Megan who have been the subject of two of my art works, who are kidnapped by a mad scientist who brainwashes them and turns them into incestuous nymphomaniacs, makes them commit bestiality, and then turns them into anthro herm wolf women. Address all hate mail to me. Please comment if you like this story.

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By Hardcover

Cecilia had no idea how she’d gotten here. When she opened her eyes, she was lying on a hard floor, in a wide dimly lit room. She couldn’t remember much, only that she had been out shopping with her daughter at the local mall. And nothing after that. Fear stabbed through her at the realization that she must have been kidnapped. But by whom and for what? She shoved herself to her feet, looking around the enclosure that she found herself in.

It was a wide circular dome cage with large metal doors at four points. The doors seemed to have no knobs or locks, and looked to be mechanical, probably operated from somewhere else. There were a few flat tables set up, low to the ground, looking a lot like the examination tables you saw at the vet. Near one of those tables was a large wide full length mirror. Above at the center of the dome, there was something that looked like a satellite dish, but upside down inside the cage.

Cecilia was in her early forties, and was pretty good looking if she did say so herself. She had long wavy black hair that ran down to her shoulders, and a pretty if slightly creased face. Her body was curvy and well proportioned, and her breasts were large and still reasonably firm. She was dressed in a red long sleeve blouse with the cuffs rolled up and a knee length black skirt. She’d been wearing high heeled shoes but they seemed to be gone.

She scratched her head, trying to remember something; she had been at the mall with . . .

“Megan!” She suddenly called.

Her daughter, what had happened to her daughter? She looked around the room frantically for some sign of her. As she started to panic, however, she heard a small groan from behind one of the tables. Quickly running over to the source of the sound, she found Megan leaning up against the table, one hand on her head, groggy as her mother was. She had her eyes closed and grimaced dist