The Rapturing

Story by guile21

The Rapturing

(I’m sure everyone’s heard about the false May 21st rapture talk. Well, while I obviously never believed that junk, it did get me thinking as to what that would mean for all the rest of us ‘left behind’. Here’s one man’s view on what happened on Sunday May 22nd, post rapture.)

Gary woke up in his bed. He still couldn’t believe the news on the radio. Supposidly the whole ‘Rapture’ thing actually occurred. Several members of congress had disappeared live on CNN, in mid speech during a ProLife rally.

But what bothered him more was that HE was one of the one’s left behind. He believed in Christ his whole life. Prayed to him at every meal, and went to church every Sunday. He even declined a threesome in college with two of the varsity cheerleaders because he thought it was ‘immoral’. He truly felt betrayed, abandoned and confused. All the opprotunities in life he skipped over because he thought he would anger The Lord.

Still, he found himself getting dressed in his church suit… Pouring his coffee… Eating his breakfast. As if it were just another Sunday where he was going to church. Maybe there he could get some answers.. Part of him wondered if it was even worth it.

As he pulled up to the church, he wasn’t entirely surprised at how empty the parking lot was. Probably 10 cars, if that many. Guess a lot of people were feeling the same way he was.

When he walked in, it was to a truly odd scene, and it stopped him at the door. The pastor was on the stage… but there was a woman walking up to him, taking her shirt off!

“You see, brothers and sisters, we’re damned to eternal punishment as it is.” The pastor reached out to fondle the young, well-endowed brunettes’ breasts. Gary recognized her as Steve’s wife! Steve wasn’t around though, so Gary assumed he was taken up.

The pastor continued, as he undid the woman’s bra. “So, sice we’re already judged, we may at least enjoy the last few moments on this planet. Sarah, why don’t you show these people what I mean?”

The woman then knelt down and lifted up the pastors robes, exposing his hard cock. With out hesitation, Sarah started fallating the no longer holy pastor, infront of all the men, women and children at th