Avatar the last Airbender: Bandits and Bedrolls.

Story by akuo

Well well well it looks like I’m back from the dead (brrrraaaaiiinnnnsssss) and as I promised in my KP thread I have a new Avatar story for you. I would have had it done sooner but 50 hour work weeks at a manual labor job dose not equal energy to write. However I did find the energy. Though I’m not sure how?:-/

Now before I get on with the story I first must thank WolfDragonGod (over at F3) not only for helping me correct the grammar but also for giving me the inspiration to write this in the first place.

Now lets get on with the show.

Avatar the last Airbender: Bandits and Bedrolls.

“I’m so hungry.” Katara gave an annoyed groan as she looked over at her brother. This was the tenth time in the past hour Sokka said that.

“Quit your bellyaching” Toph immediately chided him. “You’re not the only one that’s hungry you know.” With a huff Katara returned her gaze to the endless sky. This is the third day they have been traveling with out food. four days ago a group of pumamonkeys got into their food supply while they where asleep and they had already eaten most everything by the time the commotion woke everyone up. Sokka had said something about skinning them alive, but Katara had calmed him down with the assumption that a town wasn‘t far off. Unfortunately they soon found that this section of the earth kingdom didn’t have much living in it. It was a very rocky and inhospitable area and as such there were very few towns with markets to buy food from. and though there were grove’s of trees every now and then there wasn’t much there for Sokka to hunt or fruit to forage for. Suddenly Aang’s voice brought a bit of hope.

“Hay I see a village down their!” he exclaimed as he put Appa into a genital dive toward the village in question. Soon they arrived at the edge of the small town. However it was not what they expected.

“It looks like a ghost town.” Katara said as she hopped down from Appa’s saddle. The place looked desolate and empty as though there wasn’t life in this town. Toph, who was already on the ground, shook her head.

“No, there’s people here. Everyone’s just inside.” Katara had a puzzled look on her face.

“It has to be close to mid day why is everyone still in doors?” Katara thought to herself. When she heard Sokkas voice though she was pulled out of her thoughts.

“Who cares about all that we just need to get to the market right?” every one gave a nod and gathered what they needed.

“Appa you stay here boy. We’ll be back soon.” Aang said as the group departed for the village.


As they walked up the deserted and dusty street Katara couldn’t help but feel horribly unnerved in this little town. She had the suspicion that every one was watching them, and tension was very heavy in the air. Suddenly there was a commotion a little further up the street. A wome