Hold Your Tongue

Story by Squeeshka

As with all the stories I plan on writing; this one can stand alone but it also fits in with the bigger picture started in The Ashland Incident. I would prefer that you read without checking the tags, but I know that for some it is a must. I have divided the story into two parts for ease of digestion.

Cock-tongue, dick-nipples, transformation, none-consensual,clit-dick, multi-cock

Hold Your Tongue, Part One


Oh, the life of an office worker. The oppressive and ever-present clatter of keyboards working tirelessly to complete the never-ending cycle of forms and reports did well to keep Serena Karmin on the cusp of consciousness. She was well into her daily process of checking and un-checking various tick-boxes for the floor manager. As a Project Information Specialist for Telebox Digital Solutions, she could spend most of her days on auto-pilot. On this day, however, there was a snag.

Serena generally worked closely with Cellia Treymont from the Projections department. As it was a Monday, Serena could understand Cellia's hesitance to communicate. It was beyond that though. Cellia wasn't saying anything at all. She sat alone in her cubicle, seemingly in a daze. Her expression was dour.

When it came time for lunch, Serena approached Cellia.

"Hey Cellia, want to go over to-"

Cellia wasn't listening at all. She bolted as soon as Serena caught her eye. Highly suspect, Serena though.

After lunch Serena looked around the office for her silent co-worker. There was no sign of her. When she got back to her desk, she found a sticky note on her monitor. The text was written hastily:


Meet me in the stairwell at 6.

Don't be late.


"What the hell?" Serena was confused and concerned. Of course she would be there.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on even more than usual. The office closed at five, but there were always some who stayed behind to get more 'work' done. By the time six rolled around, however, Serena was the only one left.

She wasn't sure why, but Serena made her way to the stair well with the utmost caution and secrecy. She had no idea what to expect. She opened the heavy door to find Cellia already waiting, wringing her hands nervously. She looked like hell. Her straight black hair, usually kept in a tight bun, was frazzled and out of place. Her brown eyes looked tired and lacked their usual makeup, as did the rest of her face. Her skirt-suit was wrinkled and her stockings were ripped. When she saw Serena she covered her mouth.

"Cellia... what's going on? What's wrong?"

Cellia remained silent.

"Cellia?" Serena moved closer with a cautious hand forward.

Cellia said nothing and closed her eyes.

"Cellia, I need you to say something..." Serena said, trying to betray her fear with her voice.

Suddenly, eyes springing open, Cellia lunged forward and grabbed