What to write, what to write.....

Story by Zixtank

Hi everyone.

I've been writing for some time now but for the past year, due to exams and an extreme case of writer's block, I haven't written anything to FP's community.

So, anyways, I've decided to start writing again but I've yet to determain what I want to write.

So, this idea came to mind; since I'm technically writing for the lot of you guys and girls out there I've decided to put up a poll to see what kind of story you'd like me (or anyone else for that matter) write.

Now, keep in mind that the options isn't necessarily exactly what you want or that it has to be that or that option you want a story about. It's just suggestions.

On the poll will be genres instead of potential story plots. Futa is a given. but I want to know what you'd like next to it. Call it a side dish if you wish ;)

Anyways, I really hope you'll add your own comments bellow and if you have suggestions, it needn't be directly to me, but to other writers too if they bother to check in here =P

Either way, multiple choices are possible, but please limit the amount to your top three favorites if you'd be soo kind.