Traveler From the South

Story by Euplonka

Thanks to foulu21 for requesting a tuar story to get me started. I am actually liking the way this is going, and currently have time to write it.

I polished up the first part, so enjoy it if you have not read it yet. I like the weirder stuff, so multiples of ... just about everything ... is what you can expect.

Just an FYI, I am trying my damnedest to keep some amount of eroticism. But you can't Fuck your way out of every situation.

Oh yeah before I forget...

I live off your comments.

-If they are nice I will write more.

-If they are mean I will write more to prove you wrong.

-If you don't comment I have no reason to keep writing.

Traveler From the South – chapter 1

Scorching heat burned down on the streets of Asban. A small village and the only stopping place for 300 mile stretch between the eastern city of Candor and the western city of Vigora. The village used to be larger, but since the near destruction of Vigora, there was less reason to make the harsh journey. Because Asban had no natural water source, it completely depended on water shipments from Candor's rainy mountains. Today was such a shipment, and with it came trade. Meaning the Inn, Restaurant, and Blacksmith were going to get new people to sell their wares.

On any other day, the traveler from the south would have been spotted, and for good reason. In years past the people of the south were shunned from these communities. They were known as warmongers, people that would kill you at a moment’s notice, and had the skills to back it up.

The traveler walked at a decent pace, shaded from the harsh sun by a full head helmet. A flowing cloak and baggy shirt and pants protected the rest of traveler from the heat. The lonely traveler arrived in Asban to a street busy with people.

The caravan of water was 16 wagons long, much longer than the town. Because the caravan had many more people that the town could support, there was a forest of tents springing up.

The traveler was starkly out of place, but nobody cared. The caravan was grateful for a rest, and the citizens were busy with trade. In the center of the street was the Inn, which was clearly distinguished as the largest building and one of the busiest.

The traveler entered the swinging doors of the Inn to a large hall with a bar in the back and full tables. Only one seat left in the center of the bar, which the traveler took, squeezing between 2 burly men from the caravan. The 2 men were obviously descendants of beast, having very hairy features, tails, and a "unique" scent.

Once in the seat, the traveler removed the helmet revealing long brown hair that reached the shoulders as well as distinctly feminine features. Her eyes were covered still by metallic tinted goggles that ha