Over flowing bra story

Story by makeherafuta

Just a refresher course here, and I didn't really want to clog up my story's page. I really do like feedback on my stories, so anything you'd like to say to me, drop me a line at trianigodkai@hotmail.com, with the subject "Your story" or "*insert story title here*", or just anything relevant, otherwise I'll just trash it. Also, once again, please please please do not add me to any contact list without telling me? And if you ask, please wait for my confirmation; don't just do. This account is strictly for e-mail and contact with close friends. I apologize if I'm being really anal about this, but I cannot stress this enough.

Also, if you don't have anything constructive to say, I don't wanna hear from you. You can rate as you please, but at least have a sound reason for it. Constructive criticism is more than welcome as it helps me learn, and is greatly appreciated as well as encouraged.

Once again, my e-mail is triannigodkai@hotmail.com. I'd like to hear from you. Thanks in advance to reading this and considering my requests, and I hope you enjoy/enjoyed reading my story!

Breath of Fire II and all things of relevant relation do not belong to me. It is a copyrighted franchise of Capcom. And maybe Square too. They did have something to do with the first one. </history class>

Synopsis: Katt wakes Nina from a pleasant sleep, brandishing a strange spell book she found. Nina warns to use caution, but Katt seems to have other plans. Or rather, the book does.


"Nina! Nina!" came Katt's voice, tearing me out of a very deep and personal dream, followed by a rapid pounding at the door. "Nina, let me in, I found something really cool!"

'Really cool' indeed, I thought, sitting up in bed to rub my sleepy eyes. Couldn't it have waited until the morning when I was better composed? With a low sigh, I adjusted my robe over my body and stood up off the bed, tiredly hovering to the battered door. "Just a moment, Katt," I manage, trying to hide my grumpiness. As I opened the door, I saw the wide, excited green eyes of my Woren friend, with a red leather-bound book clutched in her clawed hands and wore an adorably childish grin. Even in my state, I had to smile, albeit a small one. "Good evening, Katt. What did you find?" I asked, looking down at the book in her hands.

She smiled even wider and bounced in place excitedly. "I don't know!" she exclaimed in the most chipper voice I've ever heard at this hour. "I think it's some kind of ancient langue text book, because when I opened it, I could not understand one letter," Katt guessed, opening the tome to a random page and showing me briefly before looking through it again herself. "It feels pretty funny though."

"Funny? Like how?" I asked, scanning my eyes over the cover. It's text did look almost familiar somehow.

"I dunno how to explain it, like some kinda pressure," she answered, closin