A real life, told in a forum, for everyone to see... (very little sex, M/F and M/M)

Story by rfag

This is the story of my life, with some things added just for reading pleasure! All the names in this story are fake, invented. The name of the Cities and Towns where also invented, except for capitals and important cities. The resume of my story is in a blog already, you can see it in mi Profile. I have already writhed a short Futanari/Femdom story that i will post when i finish this project (Unless nobody likes it, then i will star posting that!)

Part 1

Just an introduction, telling you who am I, and how I got here, the story will start in part 2!

I will begin in my childhood, more specifically when I was 5 that was when my parents got divorced. I was a fat kid, and at the time I was already used to being treated like that, bi cousins, and family friends. And obviously when my progenitors got separated, I thought it was somehow my fault, for a little 5 years old, that was a lot to carry, I started to get very closed to myself, I didn't want to do something stupid, and the situation got a lot worse when my Mother got remarried, I was 8 or 9 at the time, I started to get really closed, and I stooped interacting with the other kids from school, and avoid talking to the teachers, I spend mi elementary school wit out making any of those friends that any kid makes, when I got out of elementary school, my class was the same, and that lack of interaction, with them, and the lack of interests in them to talk to me, started to differ from mutual ignorance, to Bullying, they started talking to me like if I was a stupid little kid, and psychologically abuse me, it was at this time that I make mi first real friend, a guy that today I can still count on, he started to protect me, and he invited me to parties, I know this may not sound that much, but to me it was REALLY important, and then the best thing append I failed the year, this game me the chance to start a new chapter in my life, and there I started making friends, both male and female, not only that, I also started gaining some reputation in school, mostly because I was big(fat, and tall) and because my friends the one I already hang out with before (lets name him Antonio) and the new ones, had all already fail at least once, and some of them where pretty old, they despite what you might think, they saw me as troubled kid, that had some potential, and they help me explore that, they forced me to study, they take me to parties, or just to play soccer or basketball, and I start to open myself to new people, I start to get good grades, and lost some weight, then I got to high school, the class was mostly new to me, almost all of my friends either failed the final exams or left school only Antonio, and two others were left (let’s call them Jose an João) bout of them where born on the same year I was and Antonio was one year older. And now that I am in high school is when the actual story starts but before I will talk about my friends and tell you who am I.
