The Fur Trap (furry, TF, Trangender TF, non-futa)

Story by Hardcover

Here's my second furry story. Hopefully everyone will like this better then How Jocelyn Got Her Muse On, which was an unmitigated disaster. This may be my last furry story, I dunno. Anyways, this one deals with a pair o college guys who are kidnapped by an unseen mad scientist who transforms one into a male anthro wolf and the other into a female anthro snow leopard. Since the doc has mixed a mild narcotic and a strong aphrodisiac in with the transformation serum, mating season is now open. Please comment if you like this story, at least thank me, it's only polite.

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By Hardcover

As soon as Sasha and Mark woke up, they knew they were in trouble.

Sasha shook his head as he regained consciousness, lifting himself off the floor with some effort. A groan and curse to his left told him that his friend Mark was still with him. They were in a small dark room, with no windows and only one door. Sasha barely knew what had happened, since it all had happened so quickly. One second they were leaving the bar and heading back to campus, and then one jolt of electricity from an unseen assailant behind them, and they’d woken up here, wherever the hell here was.

Sasha was eighteen, the first American born child of Ukrainian immigrants. He was a small guy, thin and wiry, without much muscle tone on him. He wasn’t too bad looking, but he was not that attractive either. He had long wavy brown hair that was long over his ears, and a long face with a pronounced chin. His eyes were blue and fronted by thin rectangular wire frame glasses. He looked, over all, bookish and drab, while not being particularly nerdy. He was in school on an academic scholarship, hoping to become veterinarian one day.

His dorm mate Mark, on the other hand, was very much his opposite, lean and muscular, without the beefy look of the steroid pumping jocks, Mark was a good looking chick magnet who was attending college on a sports scholarship for swimming. His hair was thick and black and worn brushed back and held in place with gel, although it went down in a longish cut covering his ears and down some of his neck. His chiseled features were photogenic and masculine, and his large brown eyes usually drove the women wild. He was the son of a couple of former Olympians, and as such had athleticism in his blood. But he was determined not to be another brain dead jock riding a sports scholarship to an easy diploma, and had his sights and becoming a med student.

No sooner had they woken up then the door to the room flew open and four large men in black clothes and ski masks, armed with guns, came into the room. Without a word, they grabbed the two of them and took them down a hall and into another room. The new room was wide, and plain, and they could see