If Life Hands You Lemons (Futa/F, Horsecock, Cum Inflation, World of Warcraft)

Story by ninja_of_death

Well Hello everyone! This is a group of firsts for me this thread is. It's my first thread, my first smut, and my first WoW story. I hope it's to at least some people's tastes and that I didn't mess up all the technical-ey bits too much. All that writing mumbo-jumbo and whatnot. Enjoy and please let me know what you think of it or what I can improve upon.


When Life Hands You Lemons

A World of Warcraft smut by NoD

Amylaara walked into the Pig & Whistle, attempting to push through the large crowd that occupied the tavern, as per usual on a Friday night. After shimmying over Gnomes, around Humans, and under Worgen, as well as slipping past a Night Elf or two and hearing a Dwarven bellow or laugh now and again, she found herself at the bar. Now Amy doesn't normally drink, then again she normally doesn't get turned away from the Stormwind Mage's Society either, though this shouldn't be wholly unexpected seeing as human mages are fairly elitist and Amy being a Draenei . . . well needless to say they weren't too welcoming, Alliance or not.

“Stupid human mages. They zink they'rre betterr than me just because zis is theirr home planet.” She grumbles, glancing around the tavern sullenly. She turns to the man behind the bar and sighs. “I vill have a mead please.” The barkeep, none other than the proprietor of the establishment Reese Langston, grabbed a mug and filled it with mead from a keg behind him. Setting it in front of Amy he simply says, “Twelve and three quarters silver miss.” Amy slides the required currency to the man and picks up her drink, sullenly sipping at it, whilst Reese turns away with the cash, stashing it away and moving on to serving the next customer. Sighing, Amy continues drinking her mead, watching the various peoples and random bits of stupidity in the bar. By the time she finished her drink, two fights, one lesbian make out scene, an appearance by the guards to break up one of the aforementioned fights, a game of dice, and sixteen arguments happened. To be fair, she was drinking it slowly, but that's a fairly average hour at the Pig all the same.

After finishing the first drink she orders one more of the same, handing over the required amount, and walks off to find a table to sit at. Now while two drinks are fairly standard for quite a number of people, more than one is a bit unusual for Amy. Alcohol tends to cloud the mind and a drunk mage is a terrible thing to see at times, between people getting frozen and buildings set on fire, most would agree to that. Amy doesn't drink often, nor does she truly enjoy it, but a hard day is a hard day and losing your woe's in alcohol tends to be a fairly common response. Besides, what's the point of staying in Stormwin