How Jocelyn Got Her Muse On (furry, non-futa)

Story by Hardcover

Okay, after a lot of time, I finally got my first yiff furry story done. I've been thinking of expanding my hentai writing into furry territory for a while now. Jocelyn was originally going to appear in a more elaborate story called Jocelyn's Song, but I decided on this simpler, more fun one first. The world Jocelyn inhabits is one a created for a story I haven't written yet called Shady Tales, which would be about a Raccoon girl thief.

In a nut shell, Jocelyn is a gray fox girl musician who is approached after performing in the park by a cat girl artist who wants to paint her nude. Naturally, this leeks to a lot of fun that has nothing to do with paint. I hope you all fall in love with Jocelyn as much as I have. I made her Jewish because I don't think I've ever seen a Jewish furry character before. Contains some mild drug use as well.

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By Hardcover

Ten years ago, in the month of November, scientists at a top secret government research facility were working on a project to give ordinary soldiers the enhanced senses and abilities of various animals. The method used was a mutative gene delivered by piggy backing on a harmless virus.

Without realizing it, a low level worker became exposed, and carried the virus to an airport where he was catching a flight to go home for his vacation. And from there it spread all over the world. By the time the scientists realized that the experiment had gotten out, it was too late.

The virus caused anyone affected to take on not only the abilities, but the physical attributes of various animals. Those infected with the virus, about half the world’s population, became known as ‘Furs’. The various animal attributes they manifested were known as ‘totems’, most Furs having at least two totems.

Faced with this radical alteration to the species, the human race, as it so often did, simply adapted.

Running her hands along the tightly strung strings of her guitar, Jocelyn carefully plucked the strings, tuning the guitar a little while she contemplated what to play next. The sun over the large park filtered through the oak tree that she stood under, warming up her furry body as her dark furred fingers gripped her pick and lightly strummed the instrument, a Taylor GA5 acoustic guitar, mahogany top with a red cedar body. She ran her hands over the smooth wood feeling the vibrations of the strums in the empty core of the instrument. What to play? What to play?

A good sized crowd had gathered where she stood, waiting for her to start. She looked down at the tip jar next to her guitar case and saw with some satisfaction that it was filled almos