Short (IM) Story the 3rd [growing, hyper, balls, futa, school]: Boring Class

Story by taimou

Once again we delve into the world that is me writing a story for someone over IMs.



And here be the new 3rd one for you:

Clare rested her head against he hand as she looked at the boring chalkboard.

She sighed as the subject couldn't care her less.

Suddenly a poke on her shoulder broke her out of her stupor.

She looked to her side and saw Dina smiling at her.

"Not your favorite subject?" Dina asked. Clare nodded "Not really."

As Dina started to chit chat about how things were at home.

Clare couldn't help but be distracted by a sudden itch at her crotch.

It felt as if her panties were tighter than normal.

She kept looking at Dina talk and nodded as if she were listening to Dina's every word, while she slid her hand down under her desk.

She again rested against her hand as she kept nodding, prodding her crotch with the other.

"Hmmm.. were my balls really this big?" she thought to herself as she softly slid her fingers over the mandarin sized bulges in her panties.

Suddenly she gasped a little, her eyes widening as she felt something peculiar.

It was as if the bulges had just swollen as she was touching them.

Dina raised her her eyebrow as Clare jumped a little.

"You okay?" Dina asked.

Clare nodded hesitantly as she kept trailing her fingers over her bulging panties.

She blushed as she felt it again, her balls definately swelled in her hands.

Dina eyed Clare suspiciously, her eyes following Clare's arm that went under her desk.

Dina gasped and blushed herself as Clare's skirt could do little to hide the two baseball sized balls bulging out of her panties.

Clare blushed deeper as she saw Dina's reaction.

She wondered to herself if it really was that bad as she swallowed, then moving her seat back a little to look down.

She quickly pulled her seat back as she was greeted by two softball sized testicles about to devastate her panties.

Clare looked a little paniced as she looked over to Dina.

Swallowing, a plead of help on her face as she happened to look down. She gasped, her face turning bright red as she looked at Dina's crotch.

Dina raised her own eyes from Clare's swelling panties to notice the bright blush on Clare's face. She raised her eyebrow again as she traced Clare's gaze under her own desk.

She gasped at the sight her own balls were slightly bigger than Clare's as they hanged there over her seat.

She had not worn any underwear today as she had taken a longer skirt, but the skirt had failed her as she had sat down.

Dina now had panic on her own face as she looked back at Clare questioningly.

Clare looked back just as panicked as she suddenly let out a small groan. She carefully looked down under her desk.

Gasping as her at the limit panties started to show a third bulge.

Clare gaped as her panties kept stretching, way over their limit as they then snapped.

She let out a little mo