Library Encounter

Story by Sabre Wing

Karin was bored. Not that she didn't like her job, but being a librarian could be quite boring sometimes. There were only few visitors today, so she didn't really had much to do, besides some organizational stuff. And from the people that were there, none belonged to the regulars, she always liked to talk to, which was always a nice pastime. She sighed. It seemed to become a long, long day...

Just as if she wished for it, the sliding doors opened and a familiar face stepped in. It was a young girl, probably not older than sixteen, but none of the regulars. Karin didn't even think she ever even talked to her. She didn't even know if she was a member here, but since a while she came pretty often to the library. Since she had nothing else to do, Karin followed the girl, who was heading straight to the novels.

She was looking at various bookshelves, apparently searching for something. Every so often, she passed a certain section, briefly glancing at it, before turning away. A casual observer would think nothing of it, but Karin knew by now that there is more to it. The girl isn't interested in the novels, she always looked at, but in the ones in the section, she always passed. Of course, it was the section for erotic novels. She was here a few times before, but it seemed, she still had trouble to get up her courage. But finally she brought herself to enter the section and pick a book. She had a visible blush as she stood there, looking through the shelves. Eventually, she picked a book and quickly vanished in a nearby reading room. She was lucky, no one was in there, so she would be undisturbed.

Karin didn't exactly know what she did there, but she had a good idea. Surely, that girl wouldn't just read the book. After all, such literature has the tendency to instill... funny feelings. Normally, Karin would just leave her alone, but one the other hand, she was very curious. So, she followed the girl, careful not to draw her attention, and peeked into the room, watching the girl, who sat on a table in a corner.

She was a very pretty girl, with short brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a simple pink t-shirt and a black skirt and her eyes were framed by a pair of glasses. As far as Karin could see, her breasts were nicely shaped. They weren't as large as Karin's but they weren't small either.

Apparently, it wasn't the first time, she read this book, since she didn't start at the beginning, but at a page in the middle. The girl was a pretty fast reader. She turned the pages quite quickly.

But suddenly she paused. The blush on her cheeks deepened and she seemed to read more attentively. Karin smiled. It seemed like she got to the... more interesting parts. Soon after that, the girl slowly began to rub her leg, apparently subconsciously. Then her hand moved between her thighs, slowly rubbing there. It was a nice sight and it was quite exciting, seeing her like that. The girl sure was daring, Karin had to admit, masturbating in a library, o