Sarah's Story

Story by Tangrui

(Futa/M, Futa/F (soon), Masturbation, excessive cum, big tits, more than enough cock, hot girl, some romance)

Hey guys, I've been slumming around the forum for a couple of months now, throughly enjoying everything it has to offer but never giving back. So I thought I'd write some and share it with you guys here. Chapter one doesn't have sex, but it's necessary to read to get a good look at our protagonist. So knock yourselves out and please bombard me with feedback, I need to know whether to keep this up or not. Also feel free to pm if your feedback is excessive (i mean very insightful) or you care to start conversation outside of this topic.

Sarah's Story.

Chapter 1

Sarah absolutely beamed as she bounced around behind the counter, grabbing cups of coffee and pastries for customers and wiping down the countertops. She was thankful that her time at work almost always consisted of what turned out to be the best part of any given day. As she told anyone ready to strike up a conversation about her job (and there were many, hoping to get a phone number or date), this was “the best job at minimum wage anyone could have,” and she honestly believed it. Her coworkers, for the most part, did not share this mentality, as they schlepped through their work, not thankful for the decent pay and easy and entertaining work. Although what could one expect, most of the 20-something year olds employed at The Cup came from wealthy families with an equally pampered upbringing and only saw their jobs as a means to get extra booze and drug money that they would rather not disclose to their well-to-do parents.

But Sarah saw opportunities everywhere she looked, a natural born entrepreneur, and this coffee shop was no exception. This was one of few social hubs for Boulder Colorado, and not only had Sarah met all of her good friends here, she had ample opportunities presented to her by regulars that she took time to bounce some of her ideas for businesses off of, and had heard “Call me when you’re ready to start your (insert business idea here)” more times than she could remember.

Of course making friends and building a business network wasn’t very difficult when one was so personable and humble (with a dash of subtle charm) as Sarah was. And when the conversation turned to this subject, her closest friends were quick to mention that her looks couldn’t hurt either. Although many would argue, both close acquaintances and distant admirers alike, that that would be a blatant understatement. Sarah wasn’t cute, with bubbly giggles and sunshine, nor was she gorgeous, with exaggerated toothy smiles and a sultry jazz in her step. Sarah was one of very few that deserves the full description of “beautiful”.

As a customer and many times instant admire could quickly observe when looking across the cash register to the cheery barista taking his or her order, Sarah stood slightly taller than the other girls, at 5’9â€